Chapter 16 Back To Work

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Many years ago, before Mo-Mochi's adventure even started, there was a castle ruin within the Diablo desert that had been long since forgotten. There were old stories told that a giant monster destroyed the castle many years ago. The castle was in a terrible state; sand filled the crumbling halls, and the once grand architecture was now reduced to mere rubble. The howling winds carried whispers of a forgotten era, as if the castle itself mourned its tragic fate. It stood as a haunting reminder of a bygone period, lost to the relentless sands of time.

That is, until an elderly man rediscovered this lost castle years later as he began to look around. The old man had white mid-length hair, a goatee, and a mustache. He was wearing a device with a red lens on his right eye. A white lab coat over a buttoned purple vest. Underneath his vest, he wears a lighter purple shirt with a wingtip collar over a yellow necktie. Stumbled upon the castle, deciding to make it his home. Searching around for a bit, he noticed that while the castle had been destroyed, it seemed to have a hidden underground area that was most likely lost among the rubble. He goes down to see that it's a moderately sized room. It might have been originally used to keep people trapped in it; maybe the former owners of the castle had prisoners. That didn't matter to the old man; to him, he saw a place where he could work undistracted by all the unnecessary noise of the outside world. Privacy was all the man could honestly ask for.

He opens his case of caspules and begins throwing them all over the room, slowly turning this empty room into what seems to be a laboratory of his own creation. The old man meticulously arranges various scientific equipment and tools, creating an organized chaos that only he could understand. The empty room quickly becomes a sanctuary where his passion for experimentation can thrive undisturbed. The Old Man, sounding upset with his current circumstances, begins speaking to himself: Curse that Doctor Gero, seriously! How dare he try to stop me from pursuing my scientific endeavors! The old fool couldn't even keep his creations in check, but I won't let his interference deter me. I will show the world the true power of my creations and prove that my genius surpasses his own.

The old man worked tirelessly, fueled by anger, to prove his work was superior to anyone before him. Using his computer monitor, he tries to see if he has any research or notes left over from his earlier experiments. There was nothing except some basic information about some of his oldest creations, dark gray and blue creatures, though they have distinctly different beady red eyes in addition to black claws and talons. He let out a bit of a sigh, seeing that he didn't have much to work with, retorting, "Dammit Kochin, it looks like you weren't able to grab all of my data from the lab after the attack. It looks like the only thing I have left are the Bio-Men, and these aren't even the real ones; these are the beta versions. With a bit of time, I could give them their battle-ready forms, but they wouldn't be as strong. I'll have to start from scratch." As he scrolled through the limited information, he couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. The attack had not only destroyed his lab but also jeopardized years of meticulous research and progress. Determined to salvage what he could, but to no avail. The old man just scoffs at his misfortune and mutters under his breath, "All that hard work has gone to waste. Back to square one, I suppose." He takes a deep breath, straightens his back, and vows to rebuild his lab and continue his research, undeterred by the setback.

Yes, this is just a setback that I can easily overcome, but if I'm going to make up for the work I've lost, I'm going to have to use my old college sponsors," he thought to himself. As he stares at an old news article from Age 769 taking about the debut of the Androids, staring at the ensigna on their clothing, Red Ribbion (R.R.)


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