Chapter 13 A Neko Majin Appears

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As Mo-Mochi wanders the forest, he thinks of exactly where he wants to go right now. He didn't think through exactly where he wanted his first destination to be, but to him, that was part of an adventure.

He sits down at a tree stump to think about where he would head first. "Hmm, okay, where do I go first since I just came from West City? Yesterday I headed the opposite way, so at least I can make sure I'm not just going the same way as before. Alright, east, here I come.

After pushing through the thick underbrush and gnarled branches that encircled his home, the boy finally emerged onto a vast plain that stretched out before him like an endless sea of green. It was a sight to behold, unlike anything he had ever seen before. He felt a sense of liberation wash over him as he realized that, for the first time, he was exploring the unknown all by himself. The feeling was exhilarating, and he couldn't help but grin as he took it all in. He had traveled for miles on the dirt road that led from his home, hoping that he would find something eventually, and now he had finally found it. This was the beginning of his adventure, and he couldn't wait to see what else the world had in store for him.

After traversing the plains, the boy was greeted by a strange, smokey, and mouthwatering smell. He followed his nose to a large fireplace, where a huge fish was cooking over an open flame. The fish was golden brown and glistening with oil, and the air was filled with the delicious scent of grilled fish. Mo-Mochi looked around, admiring the fish and the skill of the person who had cooked it. His stomach rumbled, and he thought to himself that a small bite wouldn't hurt. After all, no one would notice if he took a tiny piece.

He took a small bite of the fish, and his eyes widened in surprise. The fish was even better than he had imagined. The flesh was tender and flaky, and the flavors of the fish and the spices were perfectly balanced. Mo-Mochi couldn't help but smile as he ate the fish.

Not even a second passes as, after eating the fish, Mo-Mochi receives a strong smack to the face that sends him to the ground. As he opens his eyes, trying to get a understanding of what just happened he sees a cat with light beige fur with a bit of black at the end of its tail wielding a sword on its back as the feline points its blade towards Mo-Mochi.

 As he opens his eyes, trying to get a understanding of what just happened he sees a cat with light beige fur with a bit of black at the end of its tail wielding a sword  on its back as the feline points its blade towards Mo-Mochi

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The cat glares angrily at Mo-Mochi and exclaims, "Hey! That's my fish." Do you realize how challenging finding that fish was? Water is something I already dislike, so I won't be dealing with it again.

The feline then strikes a battle pose and says, "You're going to pay for trying to steal my food."

Mo-Mochi tries to be diplomatic and apologize about the situation, but it looks like this cat doesn't want to listen to them right now. The feline just saw a person who wanted to steal his food, and he's not going to let that happen so easily.

The cat dashes at Mo-Mochi with quick speed as it comes in, ready to attack. Mo-Mochi quickly jumps back, narrowly avoiding the cat's claws. Realizing that diplomacy won't work, they brace themselves for a fight and prepare to defend themselves. 

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