Chapter 18 Kids Of Action Part 1

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After waking up from their slumber the following morning, Mo-Mochi Chiran and Balance continued on their journey to Chiran Village in order to assist him in defeating his brother. As they continued their journey, the sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lush green landscape.

They moved with determination because they knew that they had to stop his cruel brother Kiran in order to bring harmony and peace to Chiran Village. They were eager to face the difficulties that lay ahead of them and put an end to the brotherly conflict.

After a bit of walking, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Chiran's Village. Upon arrival, Mo-Mochi looks back to Chiran and says, "So you remember what we talked about last night, right? Chiran nods and replies, "Of course, Mo-Mochi, but I'm going to need to get something first from my home; it's vital to make sure our plan works. Also, um, should we tell Balance the plan again? Not gonna lie, he seems very one-track-minded and might need a reminder."

Mo-Mochi thinks for a moment and responds, Nah, you're right about that part, though Balance is a bit straight-forward and a bit too much at times, but I'll be with him to make sure nothing bad happens. We're both going to fight Kiran anyway. All you need to do is get that item you talked about.

Chiran nodded in understanding and replied, "I trust both of you. As for the item, I'll do my best to acquire it as quickly as possible. Once I do, I'll come back to the fight so we can end it once and for all," Chiran said confidently. After their conversation, they made their way down to Chiran's village.

Two guards with a resemblance to Chiran's appearance stopped the three as they approached the rocky gate. The guards eye them suspiciously and ask, "Who are you and what is your business here?" Balance steps forward and confidently explains, I'm here to fight the strong." Mo-Mochi then quickly covers his mouth and says to the cat, Umm Balance. Why don't we let Chiran do the talking, okay?

Chiran steps forward, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "My apologies, guards. These are my companions, Balance and Mo-Mochi," he introduces them. As the guards take a look at Chiran, they immediately recognize him as the former prince and bow respectfully before addressing him, "Prince Chiran, we apologize for the misunderstanding. We didn't realize it was you. Your brother had told us that you were dead and that he was the new ruler of Giras Village. He was about to order us to make plans to attack one of the villages you had wanted to form an alliance with.

Chiran had looked a bit hurt hearing all of this, concerned about his brother's actions but also hurt by what he was willing to do to take the throne. He tried not to look so betrayed in front of his people. "My brother has always been quite the fibber," he says with a weary smile. "But as you can see, I am very much alive and well."

Chiran actually looked quite upset with his brother hearing this news, saying,Grrr, first he tries to kill me, then ruin our chances with other villages. The guards exchange nervous glances before one of them stammers, "We...we had no idea, Your Highness. We will inform the village immediately of your return."

Oh, and another thing: Chiran said, "Tell the other guards of my friend here, Mo-Mochi and Balance, that they are going to be fighting my brother, and they must not interfere with the fight. The guards nod in understanding and quickly make a mental note of Chiran's instructions. They promise to relay the message to the other guards and ensure that they do not interfere with the fight. Chiran thanks the guards for their cooperation and heads towards the village.

Before leaving, one of the guards asks Chiran, What are you going to do about your brother? Chiran responds in a serious tone, "I care about my brother, but if he is going to do all of this for a simple throne and not even think of the best interest of our people, then I will have to prioritize the safety and well-being of our community over my personal feelings. It's a difficult decision, but I will not kill my brother. I will not stoop to his level; that is why I've brought allies to help me."

The guard nods understandingly, expressing his support for Chiran's tough choice. Chiran heads inside the village with a heavy heart, Mo-Mochi and Balance behind him, determined to bring an end to the conflict and restore peace. The village seemed to be made of stone, using it as its main material to build houses and create tools.

As they walked in, some of the people were surprised to see that he was still alive. Everyone was left speechless, as they had believed him to be dead. Whispers and murmurs spread through the crowd, and Chiran could feel the weight of their expectations on his shoulders. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was determined to end this once and for all. To bring proper order to the village.

As they arrived at the village head house, the two boys noticed this home was definitely bigger than the others, and there were no guards in sight, meaning that Chiran's message had spread fast. Chiran looked back to Mo-Mochi and Balance and said, Alright, this is my father's home. Kiran should be right there. Keep going straight, and you'll see the throne room. I'm going to head back to my place and find my item. You guys sure can keep my brother busy until then.

Mo-Mochi gives Chiran a thumbs up and assures him, "Don't worry, we've got this, don't we balance?" As he turned to his feline friend, he was already gone. Balance had begun dashing toward the throne room, and as he reached the inside, he saw a beast similar to Chiran with green and blue skin and red eyes staring right back at him.

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