Chapter 15 What Do You Wanna Do

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The cat just stares at his burnt fish with a frown on his face and then reassures itself and says, Welp, the skin might be burnt, but that's not going to stop me.

Mo-Mochi, hearing this just out of curiosity at this point, asks, You're not just going to eat that any more, right? It's all burned, and I'm sure that's not really healthy, is it?

The cat just smirks and says, Cooked fish is still cooked fish. Do you know how long it takes to cook something this big? I'm getting my full-course meal out of this. The cat prepares its claws to pounce on the burnt fish and says, Let's dig in!"

The cat eagerly starts devouring the burnt fish. Biting, ripping, and tearing into its skin, the cat showed no sign of stopping. It ate and ate like a savage; it didn't care that the fish was burned; it ate the fish until it was nothing but bones. Mo-Mochi was shocked to see how fast and big of an eater this cat was. Watching him just tear into such a big fish all by himself was kind of terrifying. After seeing this, he's kind of glad he barged in with the cat earlier. If this is how he gets over food, I can see why he freaked out so much from me just taking a small bite, said Mo-Mochi.

Not even a minute has passed, and there is nothing left of the fish but bones as the cat lays on the floor, stuffed and content with his big burnt meal. Mo-Mochi decides to have a talk with him while he's just lying there; maybe he could help him figure out where the nearest place is around here.

Mo-Mochi says to the cat, Hey, um, I never really got your name, and if you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you? I mean, you look like a cat, but I've seen regular cats, but I've never seen much talking animals. My mom told me they were all over back in my home town, but I don't really remember much about Bridgetown, and I don't want to ramble. Who are you exactly?

The cat gets up and sits on its buttocks and says, Oh yeah, I guess we never really introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Balance, and I'm a Neko Majin. It's nice to meet you." As he extends out his hand for a handshake.

Mo-Mochi accepts it, shaking his hand back and asking, A Neko Majin? What's more, I've never heard of a race like that.

Balance looks to Mo-Mochi and says, Yeah, we don't really live on the surface of the earth anymore after the android's happened. I never really got to see them, but I've heard they were scary. We're basically cats who love to fight and practice martial arts. We can also perform unique magic tricks, like one of my friends back in my village who can breathe fire.

Mo-Mochi seems a bit interested knowing that were is a society of these guys as me asks, Oh what's your unique magic trick that you can do?

Balance shakes his head in embarrassment and adds, "Well, I haven't really figured out what my magic trick is yet or what it does exactly sorry." I truly don't have any control over it. It's something that sort of simply happens when we're strong enough or when we kind of find it out by ourselves or whatever. Sorry, I don't really recall; I never really paid attention in history studies. However, if you want a dumb down explanation, we are simply magic cats that enjoy fighting.

Mo-Mochi tries to follow, but it is a bit confusing to him, so he just says, Alright? Okay, I get it. I'll be sure to remember you if i see any more of your people, but what are you doing out here by yourself?

Balance, licking his paws and seeing some left-over fish crumbs, says, Oh, I'm traveling to achieve my dream. I want to be known as the ultimate Neko Majin. To be known as a legend and a hero among my people. So now I'm traveling to get stronger and be the best version of myself.

Mo-Mochi seems kind of impressed knowing that the cat had such ambitious goals, telling him, Huh, that's actually really cool. You've already got something you're striving for. I'm honestly just traveling to explore and see what the world is like now that we're in a time of peace. I never really thought of anything too serious in my mind.

Balance thinks for a moment as gears began to turn in the fat cat brain and he had an idea he looks back to Mo-Mochi and asks him, Hey I got an idea you seem pretty cool and pretty tough too how about you tag along with me we can both help each other looking put for the other we can even train and get stronger too whadda you say?

Mo-Mochi thinks for a moment that the cat doesn't really seem like a bad person to him; he just got upset and took his food. I mean, who wouldn't? The guy is pretty strong too; two is always better than one. He's a bit of a goofy guy, but Mom and Dad said they wanted me to make some friends, so you know what? Why not?

Mo-Mochi extends his hand and says, You know what, sure balance, you're an alright cat person. I mean, Neko Majin, sorry, that's a bit of a drop you just gave me.

Balance shakes his hand and says, Awesome, now I'm going to need a moment. I'm going to take a quick cat nap. Balance then lays down on the grass and lets out a big yawn before passing out and saying, "Oh, and if something like a dinosaur shows up, just wake me up, kay?

Mo-Mochi in response says, Yeah, sure, all look out for dino—wait, WHA!

Before he can ask more, Balance is fast asleep, which is pretty fast for a cat, not to mention he seemed like a heavy sleeper.

Mo-Mochi just looked a bit annoyed and said, Great, now he's asleep; oh well, I should be fine. Let me just get some bandages for this cut he gave me.

As Mo-Mochi touches his face, he notices something: the scratch mark that was made on his face is gone; there is nothing left of it—no bruise, no sore—it's like his skin has just completely healed itself. The kid was left shocked at how a serious injury like that healed itself in an instant.

Mo-Mochi just thinks to himself, How did my wound just...

Mo-Mochi decided to take his mind off it for today and just have something to eat while his new travel buddy was asleep. The other half of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich didn't sound too bad right about now.

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