Chapter 20.

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Gradis was calm unlike his father but could be aggressive and overactive depending on his company.

Emperor Ruveliss:

I thought the news was false. But indeed, the son of Emperor Mirkan is here. But I am so disappointed. How can his son be so shortsighted?


Gradis glanced at the emperor from top to bottom than mockingly chuckled.

Emperor Ruveliss:
How dare you.

How dare I what? You're forgetting I'm also a King, Emperor Ruveliss. Meaning, I'm in a higher status than you. What are you going to do? Order your guardian Knights to protect you? Ah! I see. I forgot that this is not the place you rule right?

Gradis clicked his tongue in annoyance. He whispered to Diana about something. She nodded her head and walked away hesitantly. The red haired young man now showed his true colours to Ruveliss.
Gradis' eyes turned red. And his pupils constricted.
A black aura arose from him. It intimidated the Emperor.

How dare you do that to the Empress, you bastard.

Emperor Ruveliss:
Jieun was crying. She made her cry.

At this Gradis sighed.

She cries all the time. Exodus told me she was spilling away her crocodile tears even when she came here. Empresses of Castina have been examplary woman. I want to question you yourself and your choices.
Without hearing the Empress' point of view, how could you decide she was the one who made your wife cry?

At this the Emperor was silent and glared at Gradis.

How could you be called a just Emperor if you are so one sided like an idiot? I'm forced to question your position knowing how you are unable to implement such a basic vision as an Emperor. This is not the way to act.

Gradis glanced at the Crown Prince through the screen than Emperor Mirkan.

One more thing. If you're so worried that we will hurt your wife, than why don't you educate her on the subject matter of whom to approach and whom not to? Because we don't want you here anymore than you yourselves.

Gradis licked his lips.

She fails to even show basic manners expected of the empress. Yet we are being kind. How dare you show your pathetic attitude to the same woman who's roof you're living under!

The Emperor flinched. Gradis had hit the nail.

And don't speak about forgiveness over here. No one needs your approval or forgiveness. Let me remind you that while you're here, you're nothing. So if you want to be treated politely and nicely as a guest, you have to follow our rules. Otherwise I'll throw you out on the streets and you can go claiming that you're the Emperor of the great Castina dynasty.


Gradis was harsh.

Go apologise to the Empress. I want to hear that you have given her your apology. Doesn't it bother your conscience one bit that you're treating a woman rudely who's been nothing but nice and hospitable to you and your pathetically embarrassing wife?

Emperor Ruveliss:

Shut up! And behave yourself!

He yelled at him. The Crown Prince and Viscount noticed Mirkan smiling at Gradis.
The young man mercilessly intimidated the Emperor before turning away. He looked at the Emperor disdainfully from afar.

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