Chapter 77.

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Over a few days, Ruveliss (2) noticed the palace getting a bit gloomier. Bartholomew, the Duke of Veritas and King of Kelham had visited him very recently and looked off.

Yes. The main six including me have been a little down on the health sector.

Bartholomew may resemble Allendis, but he was much more handsome and down to earth. Which is why he was so attractive.
But it was a wonder as to why Diana and Elina weren't attracted to him.

Jieun Graspe:
I… would actually like to see the Empress.

She isn't well Lady of Zena. But you may take an appointment.

Jieun Graspe:
But the empress-

Bartholomew gave her a cold hard stare that shook anyone's soul from fear. The black haired woman's face turned white.
The emerald haired man seemed fed up.

So, you are that weed's son?

Bartholomew, sir. And there is going to be a grand banquet. It is to announce your son's engagement, Emperor Ruveliss.

Ruveliss (2):

Yes. Adrian's engagement to Alicia Whittlebury Primrose. She is the Duchess of Primrose in Rua. Though Alicia might be from a ducal family, she is recognised as a Royal of Rua. Since the engagement will be announced on the last day of the three day Foundation Day, you all are invited to come.

He got up. And staggered. Carsein immediately held his arm and so did Ruveliss.
But instead, Bartholomew, the young King hit Ruveliss' hand away. His emerald eyes turned red and his pupils constricted.
They were like the eyes of a demon.

You. Do not toech me!

He called the Emperor out in a hoarse voice. Ruveliss (2) staggered back in astonishment. It was the first time he faced such a reaction.
Aristia's eyes widened but she grabbed Bartholomew's hand firmly.

Sir! Are you fine?!

Duke Veritas! Sir Harren kindly call the royal doctor!

Yes Lady Aristia!

Jieun anxiously gazed at Barry's eyes which went black.
Bartholomew got up calmly and sat on the one seated couch.

It's fine Miss Aristia. I'm afraid even the most skilled doctor would not be able to help.

Bartholomew waved his left hand from left to right towards her than got up.
His wristwatch suddenly had a notification.

Oh no.

Jieun Graspe:
What is it Duke?

Our parents are arriving. Even Diana's parents.

You mean-!

Yes. Lady Aristia, it's your other version I suppose. Empress Aristia is arriving. However, it seems Emperor Ruveliss (3) shall be a bit late. I have to make arrangements.

Bartholomew got up. Carsein very anxiously held his arm to support him.

I'm fine Uncle Carsein.

The red haired young man was taken back when his nickname was taken but very soon Carsein's expression turned gentle and sympathetic.

Shall we assist you to your destination, Duke Veritas?

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