1. Finding Out

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While Luis was out for a boys night out I decided to take a pregnancy test. I'm 2 months late, I've been feeling dizzy lately, I'm more hungry, and I've been kind of nauseous. I took 4 test, I waited five minutes to see, they were the longest five minutes. I'm 20 with a singing career and Luis is 20 1/2 with another singing career we're still young but I mean we are married now! Five minutes finally passed! I checked the test.
Positive, Positive, Positive, and Positive. I immediately called Mireya.
"Hello, Mireya, umm you need to come here asap!"
"Okay, is everything okay? I'll be there in 10 minutes."
"Uhh, Yea, everything's good I just nees you here fast."

Mireya came in 15 minutes. She opened the door.
"Hello?" Mireya yells.
"Yup, I'm in the kitchen!" I sY back.
"What's wrong" she asks.
"Umm, I took 4 pregnancy test, and umm.. I'm pregnant" I say.
she immediately covered her mouth in surprise.
"Foreals?" She asks.
"Most likely we still need the doctors approval" I say.
"Okay how about you make an appointment asap!" She says.
"Yea that's what ama do"
She stayed with me until Luis came.

Luis Coronel Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now