22. Hospital

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"Luis, My water just broke" I laugh.
"Are you foreal or are you faking like last time?" He asks worried.
"I'm foreal." I say laughing again.
"How are you not scared?" He asks again.
"I don't know but my water literally just broke" I laugh.
"Oh my gosh Okay let's go" he says.
"No, I need to shave!" I laugh.
"Babe, you're gonna end up giving birth there" he laughs.
"That would be so cool!" I say fascinated.
"Alondra How are you not scared?!"
"I don't know I'm wxcited." aftershaving and showering I did a little bit of my makeup the I was ready.
"Okay, let's go, are you okay do you need anything?" He asks.
"Yes, I need starbucks and donuts"
"Okay I'll call Mireya to brung you some on her way to the hospital." I got in the car perfectly fine and everythung, then Luis came behind me with everythimg. He would look at me to see how I was doing every few seconds.
We got to the hospital. The nurses,looked at me comfused.
"Is it you're first time?" A nirse asks.
"Yes" I laugh.
"How are you handling this?"
"I don't know I guess I mentally prepared myself"
"Oh that's good, are we gonna take any medicine or pills?" She asks.
"No I wanna experience how it feels" I say.
"Okay your choice you can call anyone if you need anything."
"Okay." Mireya and Fransisco came in to see us with Thelma.
"Alondra! How are you handling this?" She asks.
"Idk, but this isn't as bad as I thought"
"Yea wait till the actual giving birth"

Luis Coronel Pregnancy SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon