13. Baby Room

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Jose and his girlfirend Keila came to help us out with decorating the babies room. First of all, Jose and Luis painted the room. While Luis and Jose did that, Keila and I were making cake in the kitchen and cooking a chicken with shrimp carbonara.
At last when the room was finally dry, Luis and Jose built the furniture. After that was done, I told them where I would like the things and stuff. Finally that was done! I felt like crying these hormones have been really ugly lately.
Later that night I wome up and went into the room, I sat on the rocking chair wnjoying the view imagining my little one running around the house soon, I went to the closet and looked at the baby clothes. They were so cute and small. Luis walked in.
"What are you doing up so late baby?"
"I can't sleep so I decided to come in here."
"Come here, I went with Luis, okay, listen little guy, let you're mommy sleep! A few more weeks and you're out! I know I'm excited too but we need to wait. For now let's go sleep, and tomorrow we will be going out for icecream! I know that's your favorite!" Luis held my hand and led me to our room.
"Thanks baby!" Luis says kissing my head.

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