23. Labour

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Mireya was right the comtractions were getting really bad, Luis was holding my hand poor him his hand must've been really purple after.
"Okay, Mrs. Coronel, you are getting ready to push in about 15 minutes if you feel like it will be sooner just call me."
I felt horrible, Luis was there to support me and tell me everythung would be alright and that at the end it would be worth it.
15 minutes later they started telling me to push. "Okay Alondra you can see the head already, one more push and the head will be out" The doctor said I pushed really hard. I squeezed Luis's hand harder.
"Okay good job Mrs. Coronel he's almost completely out! 2 more pushes"
I pushed the hardest I could and I heard my baby crying I let out some tears.
"You did ut baby!" Luis said kissing my sweaty forehead"
"Would you like to cut the chord Mr Coronel?"
Luis went up to cut the chord. Mireya stayed with us the whe 3 painful hours.
"You did it cuñis" she excitedly says.
"Were you crying?" I ask.
"Maybe" she laughs. Luis and I laugh with her.
"Finally!" I say. the nurse came back with the baby.
"Okay who's the first one to carry him?"
"I will!" Luis says. he held her and Mireya made sure to capture the moment. His eyes were filled with tears of joy. He kissed his hea dbefore handing him to me. I did the same

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