8. Cravings

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It was 2 in the morning, I couldn't go to sleep, this baby was killing me with itms craves and nausea, and emotional hormones. Luis agreed to stay up with me till I fell asleep.
"Luis?" I say.
"Mande?" He asks
"Se le antojo Mc Donalds and Nutella a tu bebe." I say.
"Oh goodness, okay hold on, I'll send Hugo to pick it up, what do you want?"
"I want a hot and spicy, chicken nuggets, medium coke and fries and an oreo mcflurry."
"Okay" Luis texted what we wanted. We waited by deciding to make instagram videos and doing follow sprees. After what felt like 8 hours, Hugo finally came.
"Gracias Hugo!" I say from the kitchen.
"Thanks Hugo!" Luis says.
"De nada hermosa! And yup no problem anythung for you bro!" He says. Luis handed him the money and went upstairs with me. We decided to watch youtube videos. After that it was 4:30 and I finally went to sleep because Luis was singing to me and playing with my hair.

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