17. Luis Sings

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Tonight I couldn't sleep at all, the baby had been killing me, it was like he wanted to play all day! Which I loved but I was tired! Luis and I spooned together then I turned to face him. "What's wrong babe?" He asked.
"Nothing, I just cannt sleep." I say.
"Here let me try something" he rubbed my belly and started singing. I could feel the baby getting excited and moving around and kicking and making me more tired.
"Nice going Coronel look what you did, now I'm gonna have more trouble sleeping!" I say.
"Sorry chaparra, I thought it would work" He says.
"Awww babe it's okay!" I say.
"Okay let's try again" Luis said.
"Hello baby, It's daddy, I'm as excited as you are for you to come out baby, but mommy needs her sleep! And then tomorrow will be another day to keep playing. Please let mommy sleep" He kissed my belly, then i faced the wall and Luis played with my hair. Finally I fell asleep.

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