9. Ultrasound/Checkup

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Luis couldn't be here for the ultrasound due to the fact that he had a comcert in Chicago with Larry, so Kenia came with me. My bump was already showing now that I'm 5 months and today if we were lucky enough we would be able to know what the baby's gender was.
We walked in the doctor and they asked me to lift my shirt and you know usual.
"So we can hear the baby's heart beat, it looks healthy, he's the size of a melon now! and do we want to know what it will be?" The doctor asks.
"Yea please" I say.
"It looks like it will be a boy!" The doctor says. I could feel my eyes getting watery, I could also feel little butterflies.
"Congrats Mrs. Coronel!" She says.
"So, do you know in about what day he will come out?" I ask.
"No I'm sorry, we don't usually know until you're 7-8 months pregnant." she says.
"Oh okay, and what do you say about the diet?"
"I think you've been doing great with that healthy diet, it will not only be good for you're baby but for you too, and don't forget to also treat yourself with what you're craving becuase it's bad for the baby and you too" the doctor tells me.
"So we can have sugary foods?"
"You can, just make sure you have a limit, or the baby has a risk to be chubby. Anymore questions?" She asks again.
"Umm no I think that's it" i say.
"Okay, well congratulations and we'll see you again on you're next checkup in a month."

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