12. Baby Shopping

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Luis and I went out shopping today, now that we know the gender of the baby we can shop for him. We were going to buy furniture for the baby's room since we recently moved. We decided to do a light green with brown. The theme would be jungle. We got matching dark brown crib, with drawers and shoe racks, we got a green carpet, a mathing rocking chair, we got a carrier which was green, and matching stroller, we got a green high chair, and we also got a matching nursery bag. We got a TON of diapers, we also got baby bottles and pacifiers. We got baby wipes too, we got a baby tub, and we also got outfits. One of my favorite one was a onesie that said you think im cute you should see my dad. we also got a bunch of toys that we thought would go along with the theme.

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