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Despite growing up in the city, Jeonghan also likes to experience traditional indigenous games. He had previously seen it on TV, so when he came here, he was motivated to try it—especially now that he had a friend at his side.

Additionally, he has many city friends who only use technology and engage in lucrative activities. That was kind of boring to him now, so he wants to try new one.

"Let's go catch insects", jeonghan proceeded to get their equipment.

"Aren't you afraid of them?", jisoo ask.

"No, why would I? They are the most innocent and adorable creature in the world," he exclaimed.

"How can they get food if you trapped them? Their family might find them", Jisoo joked innocently.

"Oh, I see. If their only insect family member disappeared, their family might get worried", Jeonghan pouted. Sadly, he is unable to do this. He wanted to catch one badly, but he believed Jisoo was right. If their son lost, the mother and father insects might become depressed.

"Yes, let's do something else instead of this."

"Okay, how about...", he was immersed in contemplation.

"Jisoo, let's go fly a kite!", he said, startling Jisoo. He ran wildly to the field.

"It's windy", jisoo said.

"Exactly my friend! That's why it is good to fly a kite. The strong wind will be the one to let the kite go up", he explains.

"Okay...", Jeonghan prepares the kite he is holding. It's afternoon and it's perfect to play a kite on the open field.

"Jisoo, try to hold this and once I said to let go, do it okay? So that our kite fly in the sky", he instructed.

"Jisoo, let go now", he command but the kite failing to rise up but instead falling instead. They then give it a second go and make more efforts, but nothing changes. He already felt frustrated and wanted to destroy that kite.

"It didn't work." He swiftly approached Jisoo's side, staring down.

"How about I give it a try?" Jisoo requested, and jeonghan nodded.

Holding the kite, he runs slowly. He raised his gaze over the kite that slowly going higher. Jeonghan smiled broadly. "Wahhh, you're so good at flying kites, Jisoo," he said as he approaches him.

"Wanna try?", Jisoo uttered, causing Jeonghan to beam.

"Yes, please!", he gave the string controller.

They noticed the kite was about to go down. He was surprised to see Jisoo immediately grab the thread from Jeonghan's hand. When JiSoo held his hands, he felt a sudden electric shock. He first looked at their hands before turning to Jisoo.

I've never felt like this before.

He shook his head and gave it to Jisoo to handle. He took a deep breath of fresh air as he laid on the lush, green grass. How refreshing.

He watched the kite rising to its highest against the strong adverse wind and birds wings wide spread flying on the blue sky. On the other hand, Jisoo observed Jeonghan relaxing on his side. He made his mind up to lie next to him and view their kite. He is very good at controlling it, even if this is his first time experiencing it. They enjoy flying their kite whilst the wind blows.

Just me, him, and the sky

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Just me, him, and the sky. Beautiful in a surreal way.

Jeonghan turned to his side and fixed his gaze on him. "Why?", Jisoo sense it.

"Why are you so perfect?", jeonghan suddenly said that jisoo arose.

"Huh?", he questioned. This kid is so weird he thought.

"Nothing. I just suddenly thought haha", he chuckled.


"Jisoo. Do you still remember the tree house? You think the owner will not go back?", he asked question after question.

"I don't know, why?", he replies promptly.

"I was thinking, how about we keep it?", Jisoo turned to him. "Let's fix it and make it our safe haven", he urged.

"Are you sure?", he responded, raising his brows. "Yes."

We went to the tree house. The wood were quite old, so I assume that nobody will ever come. I throw open all of the windows to let fresh air through.
Surfaces need to be cleaned, the floor swept and polished, dust from the desk removed, waste and other items on the floor picked up, cobwebs from the ceiling removed, and some items from my home put here as the things needed when staying. We even designed it as what we liked.

Perfect, It turned out quite well.

After putting in so much work. This is so exhausting I said, setting our food on the small table to the right of the open window, "Jisoo, let's rest and eat."

"Okay", he simply said and sat across mine. We eat our lunch. While munching my food Jisoo suddenly stood up from his seat and reached for my face.
"You're such a baby, ketchup was on your lips dummy", he said wiping it off.

What is this, Hong Jisoo?!

"Oh sorry", I nearly embarrassed. How really old is he? He acts an older and mature persona.

Instead, I playfully wipe ketchup on his face. He simply blinked and wiped it off; he was unaffected.

He's so boring.

I applied the sauce again on my index finger before touching his cheeks. "Stop you're so childish, jeonghan", I blot the sauce on his other cheeks instead. He's like a tomato now, I laughed so hard that it almost hurt my stomach.

"Is that really what you want? Fine. Come here", he revenged. Finally, he gave up and now he's chasing me. The room filled with laughter, it's really fun to be with him.

That's how their friendship started growing, the tree house is their favorite place. Only the two of them, jeonghan and jisoo.



Im'ma update this one cuz I never had the time to do it lol. I've been busy writing my other works 🥲. Anyways I'll try to ud as much as I can or maybe this week.

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