07: 🌝

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After a short while, I heard the sound of water, and as we stepped forward, I saw the tree house.

After a while, I heard the sound of water, and as we moved forward, I noticed the tree house.

"We're here. Come in if you want," he said as he entered the tree house. He literally left me here.

"Hey, I'll go in," I say as I enter his tree house. I came to a halt when I noticed him lying on the couch, his arms covering his eyes.

He looks very tired.

"Can I use the kitchen?" I asked, but he did not respond. Is he already sleeping?

"I'll use it now, huh? I'll wake you up when it's ready," I said, walking straight into the kitchen. I placed the food that I had brought on his table. I just noticed now that there's no stove.

I went around behind the treehouse. I noticed something to cook here, as well as a lot of wood restoration.

I took a frying pan from the kitchen. I also saw a lighter, so I took it too.

"He's still asleep." I don't know how to start a fire; it's already dark, but I still can't cook. I'm next to the river; it's really scary. There are also a lot of mosquitoes, but I haven't cooked yet, so I just put up with it.

'Maybe he's hungry'

I found gas right here, in the area where I cook. I poured gas on the wood I burned. And it works! It's on fire! I put the pan there, and the things I will cook are also prepared. I cooked the hotdogs first, then the sausages, and then the eggs. After I cook, I tidy up the area where I cooked.

"Ouch!" I screamed when I suddenly let go of the frying pan. I got burned.

"Hannie? Where are you?" I heard a familiar voice. Jisoo.

He's awake now. Did I wake him up?

For the first time, my name sounds different. It hit me differently when he was the one saying it. God, Jeonghan. What are you thinking?

"Hannie?" He said it again. My heart's beating so fast, I can't stop it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked. He was in front of me. I can't answer. Him saying my name keeps ringing in my ears.

"Why did you scream?" he asked again. I remained silent. I couldn't speak. His being in front of me with so much concern in his eyes is too much for me. I might break down at any moment.

"Hannie? What happened?" He keeps asking me. This time, he held both of my shoulders and shook me a little bit. I just looked at him.

"You got burned?" he asked, taking my hand in his. I had completely forgotten that I had been burned. I can't feel the pain anymore.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" he asked. He pulled me into his kitchen. He pointed at my hand, which was burned from the running water.

"Does it hurt?" he asked me in a low and soft voice. Oh, dear heart, why can't you stop beating so fast?

"Why are you not answering?" he asked. Why is the voice so soft, like he's talking with a baby?

"Did you cook?" he asked, and I just nodded. Why can't I speak? Am I dumb?

"You stay there; I'll get ready in case you get hurt again," he said before sitting me down. I sat down. I'm still holding on to where my heart is.

I just waited for him to come back. After a short while, he came back holding a plate where the things I cooked were placed. He put it on the table. He stood up again to get a plate and utensils.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you to prepare this," I apologized as he spooned rice.

"You finally spoke. I thought you got possessed by malignants and lost your voice," he said. I was even taken as a joke; I'm so embarrassed.

"Hahaha, funny," I teased. He took the seat across from me. He also spooned rice; I was even surprised when he put it on my plate.

"Eat that and then go home," he said, adding eggs and sausage to my plate.

"Thank you," I replied. After that, he began to eat. I just realized the hotdogs are burned! I didn't notice it because it was dark there. Shame on me!

"It's mine." I took all the hotdogs, including the one on his plate, so he wouldn't notice how burnt it was. It's really embarrassing.

"I'm eating," he said, taking the hotdog from my plate.

"Haha, go for eggs or sausage," I said awkwardly, hoping he wouldn't notice that I didn't want to feed him the burnt hotdog.

"I don't want it; I like well-done types of cooks," he said after biting into the burnt hot dog. Is he crazy?

"Why are you eating it? It's burnt, though," I want to ask.

"You cooked it; you might get upset if I don't eat it," he said, then continued eating. It's a considerate thing.

I let him do so; that's his choice.

I also started eating. I'm still a little uncomfortable since it's my second time eating with him.

I was also awkward with the atmosphere today; it was very quiet. I can only hear his utensils and my heart. My god.

"Why aren't you eating?" he asked.

"I'll eat," I said, taking a bite of rice. He nodded and continued to eat.

We finished our meal around 7:30 p.m. It's too dark outside, but I don't mind because I'm with him.

"I'll wash the dishes," I said as I began to move.

"I'll do it; just wait for me there," he insisted, taking the plate from my hand. I didn't do anything; I just sat on the couch.

"Come on, I'm going to take you home." I immediately hid my phone when I heard him. He's done.

"Okay," I said, then stood up. My heart was still beating fast, but I just ignored it.

We started walking. He was quiet, so I kept quiet too. It's new.

"Thank you, Jisoo." I thanked him with a smile as we exited the forest.

"Okay," he simply said. There he is again with 'okay'

"I'll go now! You go too. Be careful on your way home; look on your way," I reminded him. I waved my hands at him to say goodbye before I walked away.

I walked away, trying to contain my smile. I shouldn't be smiling. No!

I'm like a child who jumps up and down while walking. Not gonna lie, my heart is very happy.

I just feel it. Maybe because I have my favorite friend beside me.




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