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Translucent, clear, and slipping

I find myself slowly regressing

My mind and what makes me, me

Is falling before the endless sea

The words they escape me

And time and time again

I fail to see

I seek more that what I have

Looking upon an empty room that was once full

My mind is failing

And the words are fading

This winter has been the harshest yet

And while I try to come up with more rhymes

The simple truth is

I'm running out of time and slowly losing my mind

Words falling out of my reach

Hands extended hoping to grab what's before me

The lives and memories of those that I cherished

Are now falling and have perished

Those days when I could

Are now the days that I question if I should

Those night endlessly spending with the sound of a type

Falling, fading, and I soon learn that I can't write

Whether it be this season

Or some other reason

I fail to see a reason to push on

My creativity failing me once again

But I push

Desperate to find something

Reaching out farther than I have ever before

A second wind?

A dying breath?

A creative man's final chance

I reach out as far as I could go

My arm popping before the strain and strength

Poetry means nothing

If the man behind it isn't willing to risk it all for it

So I go forth

Reaching towards those words

That may never be heard

The lines of which draw between

Empty and hollow

Nothing that should be seen

Strain slowly being dawned on my face

As I extend further

Breaking my pace

The light, the pain, the blood

Rushing towards me

Smelling like mud

My body surrounded in this eternal cage

No longer will I wait to be fed

I will reach, and reach

Until this moment is long and dead

I no longer care for the admiration of others

I simply reach out to what I believe in

A friend, the words, the meanings

My creativity will not be stripped from me

You'll see

I'll break free and with this new cocoon

I will be back soon

And as I push beyond what my arms could reach

I feel something

The curve of the letter 'R'

I grab a hold of it and bear hard

And bring it to me

Bring forth a new word that has been lost to thee


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