If I Had a Voice

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If I had a voice

In what you had to say

I'd bring you hope

Hope, for a better day

If I could

Just for a while

I'd want to see that frown

Turn into a smile

If you'd listen to the words and I what I said


Just maybe

I'd be able to bring you back from the dead

You're so lost

In everything you do

Your gracious movements

Are now just trapped in your room

I try

I really do

But every time I open a door

I see you fall a little bit more

Your teary eyes

The way you say bye

It hurts my soul

As if a part of me


But I must remain a beacon of light

In hopes that I can guide you through the night

Even if you ignore me

Even if you make me bleed

Even if you berate me

And even if you leave

I want you to know

That someone cares

And to know that you aren't the only one that thinks life isn't fair.

A.N- I actually liked this one. It's peaceful, it kind of has a, 'Guardian Angel' sort of vibe. 

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