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That's the first word that comes to mind when I slowly open my eyes, blinking away as my eyes focus.

And then it clicks to where this warmth is coming from, Elias slept the night here, in my bed, beside me, I stare at his peacefully sleeping face, his chin grazes my nose and I pull back slightly.

Trying to breathe anything but his intoxicating scent, one of his arms is thrown over my shoulder, his leg cages mine, and when he hums in his sleep and moves slightly, I feel a hard bulge pressing against my stomach.

I realize what this is way too late as Elias blinks, his eyes snapping open, so dark and so capturing even when he just woke up, I choke out a breath, He's hard, and his boner is pressing into my flesh.

Jesus Christ, I'm still caged with his legs to even move around, "Elias." It comes out shaky and breathless, "Hmm?" He hums, "Let go." I protest and his brows furrow as he rubs his eyes.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" His voice is raspier, it sends goosebumps all over my body, what the fuck was that? "Your cock is pressing against me," I state flat-out, trying to ignore the heat that's flushing through my body.

He lets out something that sounds like a low chuckle  and speaks "That sounds hot as fuck." His words are filthy, full of sin, it sends shivers down my spine as I ignore them

but then slowly he realizes where he is, "What exactly happened?" He straightens, letting go of my body, "We said that we'll relax for a bit, but we slept." I explain as I sit up.

My eyes flit to our surroundings as I try to ignore my body's heat, "Jesus." He curses and I sigh, running a hand through my tangled hair, embarrassment continues rising up my neck,

"I'm going to use the bathroom, and when I come back, this—better be over." I motion at the clear bulge through his sweatpants, "You look cute when you're embarrassed, Aurelia." He retorts in his usual robotic tone.

"I'm not embarrassed, I'm disgusted." I lie, he arches a brow, a nonchalant expression taking over his face, "Disgusted by what? It's a normal reaction after you kept grinding your ass over me." His words make my jaw unhinges.

Narrowing my eyes in a malicious glare, "I didn't do that." I choke out and the corner of his lips lift, "Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart." He retorts, his messy jet-black hair sticking in different directions as he stares at me.

"Get rid of it." I insist, closing my eyes momentarily as I breathe out, exiting the room and I swear I hear his low chuckle following me all the way to the bathroom.

*: ❦ *:

"Everyone is watching," I say, after what happened this morning, technically, the only logical solution, was that both Elias and I go together to college, in his car, his fucking Range Rover.

"You're with me, Aurelia, of course, they are." He says and slows down as he parks in the garage, I roll my eyes at his comment, "We'll go separate ways inside don't think about walking with me." I hold up a finger and he raises a brow.

"A lot would kill to be in your position." He states and I can't help the snarky comment that leaves my lips, "You need to be humbled." I retort, raising a brow at his clearly blustered statement.

My hand finds the door handle and I slip outside, making eye contact with numerous others, Jesus Christ, my eyes flit around, searching for Angelina and Vera, who appear with Rowan and Silas, but there's another guy that I've never seen before.

We all uncontrollably approach them which makes Elias and I together again, Vera tilts her head to the side, "Please don't tell me that you're dating." She wishes and I choke on my breath, coughing, "Never." I snicker and the glare Elias casts me is enough to bring any person to his knees, but I hold my head high, prideful,

"Did you fuck?" Rowan asks brows raised as excitement flashes over his face, my eyes flit around, expecting to see my brother, but then I remember that he's not even here, two days ago he left to visit my parents back in our country, thankfully.

Because I don't know how the hell he would've reacted to me waking up in Elias's arms, "Privacy, Rowan, did you hear about it?" I question, his expression falls, "So you didn't?" Goddamnit,

"No, thankfully." I state, Elias is silent for most of it, but I can feel his eyes on me, which isn't very comforting since I can feel the intensity of his stare, "One day." He hopes and I shake my head over and over.

Like I'm trying to prove a point here, Angelina is watching silently too, it's something I've noticed about her over the weeks we spent together, if we're being specific, it's been exactly two months and a half since I started this semester which means that finals are on their way, not really but I need to get my shit together.

Not cute hmm, especially since it means that I'll have to be stuck with Elias for a lot of time, but I'm still not so hopeful about that deal of his, I feel like he'll drop the bomb when I'm already to deep in to reject it,

"I'm Noah." The new guy introduces and I smile politely, shaking the hand he extends, his brown hair is tousled perfectly on his head, with a warm smile and a handsome face, but it's the aura that surrounded him that made him this welcoming.

"Aurelia." I say even though I bet he knows that already, "He's Noah, as in—" Vera starts, widening her eyes as she tries to explain something to me but Silas's voice cuts her off, "My brother." He deadpans, and my lips part in shock.

Noah, as in Silas's brother, as in Vera's childhood best friend, perfect, "Oh." I let out, too shocked to even try and comprehend, it makes sense that he's dangling on Vera's arm and that she's so comfortable around him, it also makes sense that Silas is glaring, never mind that, he's glaring all the time.

But right now, he looks like he wants to choke someone, like he'd love to drown my best friend in the nearest ocean, "Oh, indeed, sweetheart." Elias mutters under his breath just for me to hear and I grit my teeth, which just makes his smirk grow.

As if he's enjoying my suffering, the fucking asshole, "Do you know a great place to party at? My birthday is on the weekend." Noah explains, I absorb his words, not exactly offering a response since I barely know any places except for the bar I work at.

"It was so fun at that bar near you, but well, since your dear brother isn't here, we won't need to be close, how about we celebrate on my yacht?" His yacht? I absorb Rowan's words as shock courses through my body, "You have a yacht?" I question and he grins.

"Yeah, princess, I'll show you around, it's called Rosa." I arch a brow at that, "You named it?" I ask, and he nods instantly like I'm weird for even asking that in the first place, "So, it's decided then, Angelina, Vera, Aurelia, Silas, Elias, and of course the birthday king, Noah." Rowan bows dramatically and I can't help but smile, not missing the way that he started by Angelina.

I've never had those types of friends, and I don't mean that in how rich they are, it's just the amount, I've always been close to one or two, and well, they never really stuck around, but this, I won't lie and say that I'm finally belonging, but they don't make me feel uncomfortable or even slightly uneasy.

I'm happy with them, my smile continues widening and my eyes flit around, landing on every and each one of them, even though Silas isn't the most cheerful to look at, it doesn't lessen my smile, and even when my eyes land on Elias.

My smile doesn't falter, and the corners of his lips lift, in what seems like a smile,

maybe we will be friends after all.

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