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"Here, my lady." Rowan bows dramatically as he places the plate in front of me, I can't help but smile wider,

We're all still in Elias's house, but currently, we're supposedly having lunch, I eye my plate and my eyes narrow suspiciously, two slices of pizza lay in front of my eyes.

"You're the one who got them, Rowan?" I ask as he strolls away, "No, Elias did." Of course, my eyes flit to the others' plates, they're all eating random stuff, pasta, and burgers, I'm the only one with a pizza.

And with Elias, I don't think anything is a coincidence, or maybe I'm overthinking this too much and making scenarios that never happened before,

My leg continues bouncing as anxiety prickles through my body, not just from the food, I'm worried about the possibility of failing my finals, what will happen then? I can't handle another lecture, the disappointment that I'll feel at the bottom of my stomach will be unbearable "Aurelia." Elias's voice cuts off my thoughts as my eyes snap to his.

Vera and Angelina watch our interaction with curious gazes, Silas doesn't bother with looking up from his phone, and Rowan is just beaming as he places some burgers on his plate, Noah looks a bit
confused but he doesn't bother with us as he continues eating his food.

"We can go downstairs to my room to study." His words make relief floods my veins and I nod almost instantly, we both stand up seconds later and I try to ignore the glances they're casting me.

"Take the food, Sweetheart." He demands, arching a brow as he gestures at the plate resting on the table, I grit my teeth but stroll towards it, not wanting to escalate his suspicions that are clearer than ever all over his face.

We take the stairs two at a time, and none of us make an effort at talking, when we arrive at his room, my eyes flit around, taking in the dark walls, black bed and closet, and the only color that's lighter than it around here is gray.

Black silk sheets surround us as I drop on the mattress, he grabs his notebooks, places them in front of me, I flip through the pages and I raise my brows as I look at him, they're empty, "You don't even study, do you?" I ask, huffing out a breath of frustration.

"Not consistently, I'll probably study a week away from the exams." He explains, I sigh, "Well, do you remember what I'm currently studying?" I ask because I wouldn't, there's a two-year gap between us,

But he nods, "I have a strong memory." He drops a couple of pens in front of me and I sigh as I place the plate on the commode, "You like pizza, hmm?" I ask, trying to change his attention off the plate.

"Yeah." He replies, not even looking slightly convinced by my subpar attempts, "Bring the plate here, sweetheart, let's eat together." He says in a calmer tone, his eyes holding mine.

My anxiety eases a bit, I don't know why but when people ate with me it felt more comfortable, like they weren't judging every bite I swallowed down my throat, I don't think they actually do that but my mother's words did fuck me up a bit.

Elias takes a slice and I hold the other, embracing myself with a breath, most of the time when I want to overcome my thoughts, I speak about anything, random stuff, and just when I'm about to do so, I find Elias hurrying there.

"Your brother will stay at your parents' for a while, hmm?" He asks, chewing slowly, I take my first bite and I chew, swallowing down my continuous distractive thoughts, "Yeah he loves spending time with them." I don't know why I word it that way.

Which is the main reason he asks the next question, "You don't?" He questions, raising a brow, his face isn't filled with judgment or pity, but when is it ever? Sometimes I'm really thankful for his complete disregard of human emotions.

"I do I just—" I start but stop, sighing exaggeratedly as I try to find the right words, he doesn't look bothered as he takes another bite, eat, Aurelia, see how easy it looks? I take another bite and ignore the sudden urge rolling around my stomach.

"Sometimes I need a break." I breathe out and his lips lift in a fraction, "When will we start the whole fake girlfriend thing?" I change the topic, not liking the direction of it, he tilts his head slightly, "The event is in three days, we can go tomorrow to pick up a dress for you." He suggests and I clear my throat.

But then raise my chin as I stare into those empty eyes, "I don't have the money for a dress, I'm keeping them for more important things." I explain he raises a brow like I'm out of my mind, "The dress is on me, Aurelia, I'm a gentleman." Sarcasm is clear in his voice, which makes me raise my brows in question.

"Ignore the last part." He adds in his cold robotic voice and I can't help the laugh that leaves my lips, surprise flashes across his face for a fraction of a second, it's so vivid that I think I imagined it.

*: ❦ *:

"Don't." Elias's harsh demand pulls me away from my thoughts as my eyes snap to his, "Don't what?" I ask, eyes slightly widening, my stomach has been flipping every two seconds, I think an hour has passed since I ate that pizza slice, and while I normally didn't throw up every time I ate.

Pizza is hard on my stomach, it's not light, and it's full of  fats and carbs, which doesn't help, "Don't think about it." I tilt my head to the side at his words, brows furrowed as I try not to build up assumptions that won't be on my side.

"What, Elias?" I ask, wanting to reach the end of it, "Soda can help with your nausea." He suggests and my lips part in surprise as I stare at him, he's been hinting at my Eating Disorder for the past couple of days but he never stated flat out that he knew about it.

Right now, it's particularly aimed at it, if I'm connecting the dots right? He walks towards the mini fridge he keeps in his room, it's filled with energy drinks, but there's a can of cola inside, he grabs it and places it in my hand seconds later.

I eye it, it's been so long since I drank a fizzy drink, but I try to shut out my thoughts and swallow down my fears as I snap it open, gulping before I take a small sip, the sharp sugary taste hits the back of my throat and I sigh.

"Thanks." I choke out, not knowing what to say, this feels more intimate than anything I've ever experienced before, not my first date, not my first kiss, or even the night I lost my virginity, this, Elias helping with my struggle towards food tops all of those experiences.

A mix of emotions rushes through my body and I can't distinguish between them as I breathe out harshly, trying to ignore my erratic heartbeats.

"My parents said that they want to visit me after my finals." I choke out, I don't know why I tell him that, I didn't even tell Angelina or Vera, but I feel like the weight is just too much on my chest,

"You're dreading the day they do." He states as some kind of realization, my face twists, "I don't mean to, I'm not a shitty daughter." I say fiercely, maybe I'm trying to convince myself not him.

"A shitty daughter wouldn't even contemplate the possibility of her being one." He shoots back instantly and I absorb his words slowly, taking another sip as I feel the soda roaming around my stomach, "You're nervous about it?" He asks.

I sigh, "Yes." I don't offer any more explanations, I can't, maybe I've started to feel more comfortable around him, but I can't admit anything more than that, I've never spoken about stuff like this to anyone.

And Elias isn't going to change that, or maybe I just hope so.

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