Dynamic Love Encore

120 1 23

- Musical Alert/Fortress

The scene transits to the middle of the night as we transit to the inside, where we see each of the diablos sleeping. We see Jaeger as he's cuddled up to Martha. Transits to Richter's room as Mayberry who clung to Richter's arm as he slept. We pan to our next scene which showed the Diablo brothers rookies. Wade slept like a machine tossing and turning around the room with super speed. nin slept peacefully as a ninja. Sallie kept snoring in her room. And Chaz was snoring in his room as well, with some marks on his face from a certain lover. And finally, we transit to dyno room. He and Rico were sleeping peacefully. When suddenly dyno dream took a turn.

-Dyno dream

We transit to a field of flowers we see Dyno resting on a blanket. He was at peace with the world when a shadow covered him. He slowly opens his eyes and sees... Verosika.

Verosika: hey dyno

Dyno smiles as they both slowly lean in. Before their lips could touch dyno felt a shock, a scar in the form of a female rattle his mind. He gets up and gasps, turning to face verosika

Dyno: this is a dream

Verosika's face turns from sweet to bitter anger. her sunny dress turns vile and vicious. The land's scape turns into a wasteland.

Verosika: oh you can even express your feeling in a dream, hope this jobs your senses

Dyno was confused until


He gets slapped by verosika. Dyno wakes up from the dream holding his face. He also wakes Rico up.

Dyno: Rico, what does it mean if you wake up from a minds-cape after getting slapped by a girl you were about to kiss

Rico tells him as Dyno knew the answer.

Dyno: shit, I'm in love


Song Alert

It was morning as the Our scene takes place, in the star, the lovable dyno, seated in a piano

Dyno: this one, is for my one an only true love.. Verosika Mayday

Dyno begins to play

Dyno: 🎶 mayday, you're so cool, and with my fire we're gonna rule.

Dyno singing cause the star to align, creating a image of Verosika

Dyno: 🎶 Mayday, understand... I'm gonna love you till the very end.

As he played the stars shoot across the space. Forming constellation of Verosika in different poses

Dyno: 🎶 Mayday Mayday Mayday Mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday mayday- I-I loooove yooooouu! Ooooooohhh!

From comets shooting by form into his brothers

Dyno: 🎶 Jaeger Striker Rico and Richter too!!! A thousand troops of demons couldn't keep me from you!

The stars explode becoming dark, a light shined onto him, from above Verosika mayday, in a dress, floats to him, her lips almost met his but disappears, so close but yet so far.

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impWhere stories live. Discover now