In another life

50 9 25

TW: injury,
Please let me know if I missed any

It was really warm.

That was the first thing he thought of when he came to. It was warm and soft, and he was happy.

For the three seconds before the pain set in. Where his wrists and ankles were slashed, and the X on his cheek.

He lifted his wrists, to see bandages up his forearms.

Well, somehow, he was alive.

A young woman with hibiscus pink hair walked into the room. "I'm so glad you're awake."

Ranboo opened his mouth, he doesn't know why, maybe to see if he had a voice. But nothing came out.

"Can you talk?" The person asked, her voice light and sweet.

Ranboo shook his head.

"Can you write?" The girl asked, handing a piece of parchment paper and an ink pen to the little boy.

Ranboo thought for a moment, he could probably write. The elders wrote what they said, and one of the only things he learned was how to write.

Thank you for saving me. My village is near the ocean, and does sacrificial rituals to the ocean goddess Nihachu. She sounds rather frightening, taking human sacrifices, but then again, I never thought I would be the one to die.

Tears sprung into his eyes.

Please don't make me go back. Please.

The little boy handed the paper to the girl, who read it over.

"I won't make you go back, but I must find you a new village once you're better."

The boy nodded, writing on the corner.

My name is Ranboo, who are you?

"I'm-" the young woman hesitated. "My name is Niki."

Niki is a pretty name.

● ● ●

Ranboo learned three things in the first day.

1. Niki lived in a small cottage on a rocky beach near the ocean

2. She didn't worship the ocean goddess, nor did she fear the punishment

3. She was very kind

Niki would go on little trips away from the house, but she always came back before the sun set. It didn't worry the little boy, it never did. One time, she came back with a notebook for him to write in.

As time went on, Ranboo's injuries healed.

Niki tried to teach him to speak, but no matter how hard they tried, there was no sound. Eventually, he accepted that he had no voice.

Even though his injuries were all healed and scarred over, the boy stayed as the girl with hibiscus pink hair taught him a language with no sound.

She called it Sign.

It used hands instead of voice, and he picked it up quickly.

She went on more trips as the seven year old got stronger. Until one evening when she came back grinning.

"I found a village for you."

● ● ●

Ranboo didn't expect the travel to be so sad. He'd miss Niki, and the time he spent in the cottage.

He'd miss her kind voice, and the ocean waves lapping at the shore, even if he hated the ocean, and water.

The young boy got tired after a while, and just as he was falling asleep on Niki's back, he swore he saw a flash of white light.

When he awoke, Niki was setting him down. It was on the outskirts of the village.

"I can not go with you Ranboo." She said when he had asked. A single tear fell from her almost turquoise eyes.

The boy hugged her. He'd have a good life in this village surely. As he walked into town, he swore to never forget the traveler who lived in a small cottage by the sea.

But that's the thing about being human. In time, beautiful memories are pushed back to make room for new, and as they grow older, memories like a beautiful traveller with hibiscus pink hair seem more like a childhood dream, than distant past reality.

And the goddess of the ocean knew that to be true. That the sweet little boy she cared for, for a few minutes of her immortal existence, would soon forget her, in wake of new memories of a happier life.

A life she couldn't give him.

And even though she'd always remember him as the little blip in her immortal life, he'd forget her in just a decade.

● ● ●

If only things went that smoothly for the goddess of the sea, and the little boy she saved.


This could make an amazingly sad one-shot. But I can't end it here.

No no no, we have so much more sadness in store.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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