A Feverish Day (Revamped) Part 1

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This is actually From my own YouTube video of this- Requested By @Star-Wars-Cookie 

Ship: Platonic Seilly (Sean X Milly)

Theme: Sick Day, Contains Some angst Maybe?-

Sean's POV

Me, Hailey and Zander were waiting for the bell to ring to signal us to go to our first class. Hailey and Zander were just talking to each other, Zander mainly Ranting About Jake Or Something. But I'm currently sidetracked.. Usually at this time everyday, Milly is most of the time, The first one here. But I haven't seen her at all this morning. Something was off and I needed to find Out what. 

"Hey Guys? Have either of you seen Milly?"

Hailey and Zander looked back at me, looked back at each other and shrugged. "Not since Yesterday.. Why?" Zander asked, "Nothing I'm just worried about Milly.. I'm gonna go look for her." I replied and then walked off.

As I walked down the hallways, I saw Milly. "Hey Milly!" I Said to her as she looked up at me. But that's when I started to notice what was wrong. "Milly? Are you okay?.. You look terrible." "O-Oh, I'm fine Sean. We should head to our first period, The bells about to ring!.." Milly replied with a weak smile, I sighed and followed her into class. The Teacher was going on about stuff that wasn't even important but it only lasted a minute or two before he said: "Okay since I don't get paid enough for this, Do whatever you want." I just stared at the teacher in confusion. But I was interrupted as I heard coughing, I turned to look beside me and immediately became worried. Milly was having a coughing fit and she had her head hanging on the table. She was extremely pale and her face was flushed red. "Milly, Something is wrong. I can see it, you're sick aren't you?" I asked, She immediately sat up and looked at me. "I-I'm Fine Sean! I promise I'm-" She was cut off by a sneeze. "Mhm. You're obviously lying to me Milly." "N-No Im not.." Her voice faded off as she fell unconscious. "Milly?! MILLY?!" I shouted at her to wake up but it wasn't working. I panicked as I didn't know what to do to wake her up.. Then the bell rang again and Milly shot up wide awake. "Milly! Your awake!" I said in relief. "Sorry.. But we should head to second period.." after she said that I completely snapped. "Milly are you crazy?! You just passed out and your sick?! Are you actually Insane?!" I shouted, She didn't seem to have any energy to respond. All she did was get up and walk to her locker, "MILLY!" I shouted in anger once again and ran after her. Milly was putting stuff away in her locker as I ran up to her. "Milly! Listen to me! Your sick! Why are you doing this to yourself?!" I shouted at her, But she just looked limp at me. "I'm fine I Swear-" She was interrupted by another sneeze. I sighed and pulled her close. "Why are you lying to me?.." I whispered, She sighed and slumped her head onto my chest. "I just.. Didn't want you to worry about me.." "But Milly, I'm gonna worry either way. I don't like seeing you force yourself to do things while you're Ill, it isn't good for you Milly." I said before putting my hand on her forehead, "Milly you're burning up. Come on, I'm taking you home." Just before Milly was gonna make an excuse I picked her up and went off.

Milly's POV

My head was pounding.. The room was spinning like a tornado. God I just want this to stop.. 

 Sean Came back into the room and placed a wet cloth on my head. I've heard it's like a remedy to helping fevers?.. I don't even care at this point. "I'm gonna get you some soup and some medicine, I'll be right back!" Sean said before dashing into the kitchen. I sighed and tried closing my eyes.. But then I heard a text message on my phone. I sat up and looked at it.

Dad: Hey Mil's, Me and your mother will be out for most of the night with some friends. Do you mind taking The Cafe Shift for me tonight??

I stared at the text message, wondering what to do.. I remind myself of what happened in the past when I was sick as a kid.. I'd prefer not risking the past become the present again..

Milly: Sure Dad, Have fun.

Dad: Thanks Milly! See you later!

I sighed and sat my phone down on the couch and I stood up. "I'm sorry Sean." I whispered before exiting the house.

I'm sorry this is short I'm going to make a part two I swear- But my motivation has left my mind at the moment- lord help me TvT

Hope y'all enjoyed this, and if you have any requests feel free to comment them! ^^

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