🎶"Music To My Heart.."🎶

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Ship: Romantic Jean

Requested By V from my discord server <D

Theme: Fluff

This Takes Place during episode 6 of TMF

Jakes POV:

"Do you remember where you last had it?" Hailey asked a panicked Black haired DJ. "I swear I had it on the way here, and I had it in my bag the whole time!" Sean replied, clearly panicked. I felt so bad for the boy, That was his prized possession and his getaway to peace. I hated seeing him so frightened. Hailey sighed, "Zander can you, Luke and Milly take a look around that half of the mall, and me, Jake and Sean will look on this half. "Ughh.. Fine! But you two better keep your nasty PDA away from me." Milly said groaning. "Yeah Yeah! Whatever!" Luke laughed sarcastically. "Alright Boys, Let's go find that laptop!"

Ten minutes later..

Hailey was looking around in the shops while me and Sean were talking about where it could have been. "Ugh.. My parents are gonna kill me.." I heard him mumble, It hurt seeing him like this. "Sean, Is there stuff that.. Is happening at home?" He looked stunned to hear the question and his face quickly turned anxious. "N-No it's fine at home Jake.. I just don't want to lose this laptop.." his face contained a forced smile and he looked back to the ground. A thing Sean does when he's Nervous or Lying is he starts messing with his headphones on his neck. Which is what he was doing right now, He looked cute while nervous but this was no time to be a simp. We had to to find his laptop, and more importantly, Help Sean. Because I miss seeing him as his happy self, it makes me really happy to see him happy. "Sean, it's gonna be okay, we're gonna find your laptop! And if we don't, I can give you a laptop!" I said cheerfully, Sean's eyes widened and he stopped to look at me. "Wait what?! You will give me your laptop?!" "Yeah of course! Drew had given it to me but.. I don't exactly have a use for it. So you can have it! You would have more use of it then I do!" I offered. His eyes brightened with surprise. "You mean like temporarily right?" "No! I mean full time! You can keep it permanently! Honest!" And for the first time all afternoon, I saw that smile I love so much. But what happened next surprised me, With that smile can tears trying to come from Sean's beautiful black eyes. He laughed with his adoring laugh and smiled brightly. "Thank you, Jake! I appreciate it so much. But I really can't accept that I-" "No I insist! You deserve it Sean, Really you can have it! I don't need it." I insisted, He gave me a smile and a laugh before pulling me into an embrace.

"Thank You.. Jake.. Thank you so much.." He said, My face heated up but I couldn't help but smile and hug him back. "Anytime Sean.. Anytime.." More than anything I wanted to stay in this moment forever, But we had to find this laptop to save the music in His heart.. and to stop my heart from playing rock music and banging onto my chest.

But that moment is a memory Im never gonna forget.

I hope you guys liked this story and I had so much fun writing it!! And I'm trying to start writing more in this story, So I hope you enjoyed and if you have any requests feel free to let me know! Have a great day/night you guys! And just know I love you all <33

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