« Trust »

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Ship: Platonic Jander

Requested By: Mimi-Meme

Theme: Fluff

Jakes POV

It was about to be 10:00PM, My Family was asleep, and I was just.. Kind of laying on my bed doing nothing, Watched some videos on Gachatube, Read Stories, Looked at the Clubs Group chat! I've just run out of things to do.. "Ughhh.. There's nothing to do this late, I feel like this is the most bored I've been in my life!" I complained, It was definitely over exaggerated But- Still! I sighed and started flipping through my Gachatube recommendations.


"What The- FINALLY A TEXT MESSAGE!" I say excitedly as I immediately pressed on the notification, and to my surprise. 

Zander had texted me?!

Zander, Of ALL of the music club, Texts ME?! He hates my guts! Sure we're on good terms, But he's definitely got some trust issues with me.. Wonder what he would text me about?

(Zander) - Hey Jake. This may be surprising for me to be texting you, But that doesn't matter right now. Are you able to meet me at the park right now? I need to tell you something.

I stared at my phone, What would Zander need to talk to me about? I hope I didn't get on his last nerves again and he's gonna scold me this late at night.. But I'm kind of curious, Might aswell.

(Jake) Oh Yeah, I'm free! On my way Grape boy!

His response was immediate-

(Zander) Yeah Yeah Mister Simp.

I hopped out of bed with my sudden spurt of energy, Quickly ran to the closet and started to get dressed. Grabbed My Casual Attire, Grabbed My one of a kind Jacket that EVERYONE loves!~ My ripped jeans and my casual tennis shoes. As I opened my door, I tried my best to Not wake up my family, even though I practically dashed down the stairs without thinking.. I grabbed My phone from my charging port and walked out my front door.

About Ten minutes later..

"Zander! Sorry I'm late Haha!.. Was trying to uh.. Make sure I didn't Wake up my family!" I laughed in very quick wording, I was basically out of breath from running here. Zander stood ahead of me with crossed arms, He didn't look irritated at me!.. For once- "No problem, Perfect timing to be honest." Zander replied without his complaint tone for the first time. He seemed at ease at the moment. "Heh.. Now uh, What did you need to tell me Zander? It seems important." I asked, Just for him to Sigh. His eyes glittered with the Moon that was above us and his face had softened with something I couldn't quite make out. "Yeah. Just because your an annoying, Silly and Absolutely frustrating to deal with.. You're not as bad as a guy as I thought, You know. You actually seem to have proven your loyalty towards the ones you care about. And I appreciate that, So.. What I'm basically trying to say is.. you've got my trust, Jake. And don't Use it as a joke Sterling! This is the only time you'll ever have this happen in your life, so don't take it regranted." I stood there in surprise, Not one time in my life. Would I EVER! Think I would hear this, ESPECIALLY from Zander, the guy who you bullied and was hated by for eternity, Giving you his trust!

 Uncontrollably, A huge grin formed on my face. "Thank you Zander! I swear on my life I'll never break your trust, You can count on me. I promise!" I replied, Full of energy and craze. Zander chuckled slightly. "Well I hope you keep this promise To me then sterling. Or else you're digging your own grave!" Zander said, as a threat. I laughed without control, "You bet!" "Heh, Good.. Well, that's All I wanted to say, But.. I guess actions speak louder than words Huh?" He said, Leaving me confused. "Huh? What do you mean?" I said before being cut off by a hug. A hug! From Zander?! Holy crap! This is the craziest night of my life. But really, all I could do in response, Was Smile and return his embrace. "Have a good night Jake. I'll see you tomorrow you dork." Zander said after letting go from his surprise embracing, He turned and started walking his own path. Leaving me stunned, Confused, But those emotions quickly faded.

All I could do was Smile and feel Happy.

OKAY WHY WAS THIS ACTUALLY SO FUN TO WRITE?! Thanks for the request on this! And if you guys have any other requests, feel free to leave them below! I hope you like this platonic Jander Story and I hope to see y'all on the next one!! Have a good rest of your day/night, And just I love you guys 💛

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