✨What is this?!✨

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Ship: Lander 🧡💜

Theme: Maybe Fluff? 

Warning: Might Contain some foul and.. interesting language 😂 

Requested by @HDAmts

Luke's POV

I woke up in My boyfriends bedroom, I had stayed the night with Zander yesterday and we had decided to sleep together, I sat up and stretched. "What time is it?" I asked with a raspy tired voice. I looked over at the alarm clock beside me and it claimed to be almost eight thirty in the morning. I got up and started getting ready for the day. I walked over to my bag and grabbed some clothes I had brought and went into the bathroom to change. After about twenty minutes, I was completely ready. I walked out back into the bedroom to realize that my boyfriend, Zander, was nowhere to be seen. And usually he's the one to sleep in.. Weird, Maybe he's downstairs?         I thought to myself.  I shrugged it off and started my way downstairs. 

Once I made it into the living room, I looked around to see any sign of my beloved, But all I could see was the TV on and Hailey sitting on the couch looking at her phone. "Good morning Hailey!" I said to her, she turned to look at me with a smile. "Morning Luke! What's up?" "Well I was gonna ask you, have you seen Zander this morning? I haven't seen him and I'm starting to get worried." I replied, Hailey paused the TV and thought for a moment. "I don't think so, I woke up just around ten minutes ago, so I'm not really sure. But he's probably fine." She responded, I sighed and went towards the backyard, it's usually where I calm down at. I open the door and see the patches filled of All sorts of flowers. But someone else seemed to be here, They looked like Zander, But they looked different. "I guess Shannon came out here for some fresh air, she usually does that every morning from what Zander told me." I whispered under my breath, I started walking over to Who I believed was Shannon. "Hello Shannon, Good morning isn't it?" I said only to get a flinch from the girl in front of me. "Uh.. H-Hi Luke.." The Girl stuttered, It took me a moment to realize this wasn't Shannon. 

"Wait a second.. Zander?!"

The girl turned to me with those periwinkle eyes I know and love, Yup. This was definitely Zander. "Hey Luke.. Please don't ask, I don't know myself on how I became a girl. But one things for sure, I don't like it." Zander said angrily, clearly pissed. I laughed softly at his complaint, "I think you look gorgeous Zander." I said to him as I got down onto my knees to join him on the grass. The Pianist turned bright red and looked away, "S-Shut up Luke!" He said, Clearly flustered and embarrassed. I placed my hand on Zander's and pulled his face towards mine.  Before I pulled him into a kiss, Which he quickly melted into, Once I let go I complimented, "You're very pretty you know? Love you baby." I said while smiling brightly. "I love you to you puppy." The nickname still made my face flush even though he calls me that all of the time. "Luke?! Are you cheating on Zander?!" Hailey shouted from the porch. Zander burst out into laughter while I tried to hold mine in. "I'm serious! What's so funny?!" "Hailey, This IS Zander!" I replied, Earning a gaze of disbelief from Hailey. "OH JESUS CHRIST IS THIS ANOTHER CHALLENGE?!" "Probably. This'll be fun for me." Zander replied sarcastically, I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah, this will be terrible.." I replied with sarcasm before Zander nudged me. "Hey Zander? maybe we should give you a new name for today?" "Hmm.. What should it be then?" He replied. I took a second to think, And then an idea came to me. "What about.. Zahlia?" Zander's eyes seemed to light up at the name. "Yeah I like it! I'm Zahlia now!~" She said confidently. I just laughed at his cockiness, "I love you Zahlia." Zahlia looked at me with an adoring smile. "I love you too Luke."

I'm obsessed with Lander oneshots bro- I love them so much! 😭 Anyways.. I hope you enjoyed this one shot and if you have any requests, Feel free to send them down below! I'm trying to be more active on here and hopefully I'll improve as I go on. Love you guys and cya soon <D

Words: 754

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