Chapter One

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Kaylani's pov:

I've always enjoyed looking up at the moon and stars at night. It's a time where I can just get away from everyone and everything around me, and just enjoy the peace and quiet.

But eventually the quietness over takes and all I'm left with is my thoughts. The thought of how I'll never be good enough. Of how I'll never be skinny enough. Or of how I'll always be a disappointment in my parents eyes.

None of my friends understand what I feel, or why I feel the way I feel. Because they haven't been through what I have been through. They didn't grow up in a house where they were constantly put down every day. So it's harder for me to connect with people because I'm so closed off.

As it gets later in the night, I start to drift off asleep...


Later on in the middle of the night...

"Kaylani Marie Hayes" my mom yells. "Get your ass down here right this fucking minute, before I beat your ass" I walk down the stairs, nervous of what I did now, that could have possibly upset my mother.

"Y-Yes, mom?" My mom just glares at me for a few seconds. "Why do you have to be so fucking stupid all the damn time." My mom screams at me. I look at her confused on why she called me stupid. "I don't remember doing anything wrong" I tell myself in my head.

"I got a email from your teacher telling me, you have a C in her class." My mom states. "You're mad at me for having a C?" I ask my mom. "Oh no I'm not mad, I'm furious." My mom says. "ALL YOUR GRADES SHOULD BE A's." My mom screams at me.

"Im sorry mom, I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, I've been working really hard I just can't understand the class." I explain. My mom walks up to me and gets real close, then slaps me, causing my head to turn in the other direction. I stare at her in shock.

"Just shut up Kaylani, I don't care what you have to say or what your so called reasoning is. If you don't bring this fucking grade up in one week, there will be consequences worse than me slapping you."

Then all of a sudden, I wake up. Realizing it was all just a dream. But a dream that actually happened a while ago. I look at my phone and check the time.

"Only 5am" I say to myself. "One hour of sleep until I have to get up and get ready for work." It takes me a bit to fall back asleep, but when I do, I'm out like light.

"Beep, beep, beep." "Shut up" I yell at my alarm, hitting my phone. But I guess I didn't turn the alarm off, because the fucking beeping noise isn't shutting the hell up.

After I turn off my alarm, I get up and make my bed. Then walk into my bathroom to get ready for stupid work.

I live by myself in my small apartment, because I couldn't stand living in my fucking parents house anymore. With them constantly body shaming me, and belittling me all the time.

I'm always trying to take on extra shifts at my job, so I can make sure my rent is being paid on time. I work at this little cute cafe. The pay is pretty good, so I've been working there for a really long time.

I brush my teeth, then grab my shower cap and wrap my hair up, so it don't get wet while I'm in the shower. After my shower I make sure I do all my skin care and put lotion on, because I don't want to be ashy.

I throw on some baggy jeans, with a hoodie. It's kinda cold outside today. I live in New York, so the winters are really cold. But we are just coming out of winter so it just a little chilly.

I touch up my hair, and grab my purse. Then head out the door. "Work here I come." I tell myself while laughing. Hopefully work is easy today.

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