Chapter Four

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Jaden's pov:

I was sitting in my father's office, regretting my decision of ever coming here. My father is an absolute asshole.  With no respect towards anything or anyone. "Maybe that's where I get my attitude from." I think to myself, but then decide that can't be true.

"You said you had something important to tell me. I'm here now, so are you gonna tell me or are you just gonna stare at me?" I ask him, getting frustrated cause he isn't saying anything. "Indeed so, I do have something to tell you." He says. "Okay, then talk."

"As you know I am getting older, and can't keep running my business. This position was originally for your brother, but since things happened I am giving my business to you." He explains while glaring at me, because he thinks I killed my own blood. "Why would I ever wanna be in charge of all of your businesses?" I question him. Right now he is just annoying the crap out of me, because I honestly couldn't care if I own his businesses or if I don't.

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to run my companies. I am telling you, you're going to run my companies." He states, clearly ending the conversation so I can't argue back. My father owns multiple businesses, and one of the biggest businesses he owns right now is an underground fighting business. I have never wanted to be apart of his dirty business deals or anything, because my father is a bad guy. I don't want anything to do with him.

But I'll take his companies and grow them to become stronger than they are right now. So he knows who is in charge. I am done letting my father push me around! "Alright, Ill take your businesses." I tell him, while smirking. "Good, you can leave now. You'll be taking over in a week, once everything is settled." I nod my head, and exit his office, which will soon become my office.

As soon as I leave his building, I start thinking about that girl again. Realizing that I might not ever see her again. New York City is gigantic, the possibility of me ever running into her again is one to nothing. But who knows...maybe one day.


Kaylani's pov:

"Finally." I say, extremely happy that my shift at work is over with, and I can go home and relax. Today at work was absolutely boring, Luka wasn't at work so I was alone. Well obviously there where the other employees, but I don't know most of them like that. So work sucked today.

I leave the cafe, and start my walk back to my apartment. As I'm nearing my apartment, I start thinking about the handsome yet disrespectful man I bumped into earlier on in the day. For some odd reason I can't get him out of my head. But that all changes right when I step foot in my apartment and I hear my phone go off.

I look at the caller ID, then see Luka's name, I smile to myself before answering my phone. "Hey Luka." I say. "Hey, Lani. How was work today without your bestfriend in the whole world?" He asks me, but I just roll my eyes because I really wish he would've been at work. "Terrible, you weren't at work so I was stuck talking to the random employees." I say, kind of irritated.

"Ohhh, calm down bestie. I'm sure you were fine, and even if you weren't, I'll be there tomorrow so it doesn't matter." He tells. But I'm still very much annoyed with him. "Ok then, hey listen sorry luka I'm really tired right now, and have to feed Milo. Ill see you tomorrow though." I explain. "Alright, I love you sleep well!" " I love you too, bye." Then we hang up.

I throw my phone on my couch, then get up to feed my cat milo. He is honestly the sweetest cat in the world. He is an all black maincoon. He is just beautiful. I love him so much, he is my baby. He purrs then rubs up against me, thanking me for getting him food.

After feeding him, I go into my bathroom, turning on the water making sure it is hot, before grabbing my robe and hanging it behind my bathroom door. I undress and step right into the water, allowing for my muscles to relax. I stand under the water for a few minutes before washing myself.

Once I'm done in the shower, I make sure I exfoliate my skin, and lotion my whole body. Before throwing on my robe and walking into my bedroom. I grab an extra large T-shirt, and throw on some underwear and shorts.

I finsh my night time routine, grabbing my phone from the couch in the living room, and setting my alarm. Before I jump into my bed. Right as my head hits the pillow, my eyes begin to drift off to sleep.


Author's note...

Jaden is taking over his father's businesses. That's crazyy mann.

I know I have never mentioned Kaylani eating or anything. I promise she is eating, she just ate at work, before going home. I just didn't add it into my story.

Will Kaylani and Jaden meet again??


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