Chapter Six

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Jaden's pov:

"Jaden we should go to the club tonight." my bestfriend Riley said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because you need to get laid." Riley tells me flat out, without a care in the world.

"All you have been thinking about recently have been this random girl, that ran into you on the sidewalk." He states.

That was true what he was saying though. I just couldn't get her out of my head and it is honestly driving me insane. "Alright, bet." I tell him.

"Okay I'll meet you there then. We going to your father's club right?" Riley asks me.

"Yeah." I say. "Okay, I'll meet up with you later." He says, getting up walking out of my penthouse.


I got in my hellcat challenger, and started driving to the club. My car is my life literally, I've always had a dream of owning a bunch of sport cars, and now I do!

As I was driving to the club, I was thinking about the first time I met Riley.

It was in highschool, when we met. I didn't have any friends. Which honestly didn't bother me at all because I like to keep to myself.

But then this loud, annoying ass boy, had to be seated right next to me in class. He would never stop talking to me, even though I never responded back to anything he talked about.

In my offense, I wasn't a very social person, and hated conversation. I was a huge introvert. Which I still am, but now I'm more bold, and everything.

Eventually, I started to talk to him. It took awhile for me to get comfortable with having a friend. But me and him became really close, and have been friends ever since.

After going down memory lane, I realized I arrived at the club, and stepped out my car. Just for a bunch of girls to start drooling at me, as soon as I walked there way.

This one girl grabbed my arm, and started talking to me. "Hey, I'm Kim." She winked at me, while rubbing my arm.

I smirked at her, and started flirting with her. Until Riley showed up out of nowhere and me and him walked inside the club.

Right as you stepped foot into the club, you smell the sweat, alcoholic, and hear the music blasting. People were dancing and grinding on each other. Others where making out, or getting drinks.

Riley and I went up the stairs in the club and went to the VIP section. Since my dad owns the club, I get VIP experience just because everyone knows I'm his son, even if he hates me to death.

"Hey, man I'm going to go down and see what what the boys look like, I'll see if they have any cute girls for you too." Riley tells me.

I just nod my head, and he walks away. Riley is bisexual, but prefers men. He has been in a few relationships but they never worked. He either got cheated on, or just dumped in general.

I feel really bad for him, because I know all he wants is one genuine relationship. Whereas me I don't give a fuck, if I get in a actually relationship or not.

I would much rather, fuck and leave.

I know that sounds bad when I say it, but it's just how I feel.

While Riley is downstairs, I tell the bartender that works upstairs in the VIP lounge to come here. So I can order some drinks.

"I'll order my regular, with a few shots." I tell him, then wave him away.

Right as the guys leaves, in comes Riley with a guy follwing right behind him. Then behind the other guy is a girl...wait a second, think to myself.

"What the hell." I say out loud. Riley just stares at me.

"What's wrong." He asks, clearly confused.

"Omg, it's you the disrespectful dumbass that had the audacity to yell at me, for bumping into you on accident." The beauty in front of me says.

"I'm leaving!" She states and starts walking away. But not before I grab her arm and make her sit on the couch.

"Um, did you not hear me?" She questions.

"I said I'm leaving." She states trying to get up and leave again.

"No!" I tell her

"No?" She repeats.

"Just let me tell you something, before you go storming off." I tell, while she just glares at me. She looks at her friend, im guessing he is.

They stare at each other for a second, before she agrees. Sitting back down. But not looking at me.

"Talk." Is all she says. Causing me to just look at her for a few minutes cause, I hate when people try and force me to do something.

"Are you going to say something or not." She states, while rolling her eyes, clearly getting annoyed.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I tell her, getting mad because she is being extremely stubborn right now.

"You can't tell me what to do, so don't act like you can." She says.

"Wanna bet, darling." I say.

She just looks at me while smirking. Goddamn if only I knew what was going through her pretty little head.


Author's note...

Well they met again :)

Riley description - mixed, he is Puerto Rican, and African American. Curly brunette hair. Around 5"11. Well built. He wears glasses. Really handsome. He went through a lot of trauma growing up and just wants to feel loved by someone genuine. But he has such a wonderful personality and is an amazing friend to Jaden.

Next pov is going to be Kaylani's and I might add Jaden's pov into as well.


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