Author's Note

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Holy heck. I finally did it guys!

That's it, that's the end of Slayers and Heroes. I just want to thank you all for reading and commenting on my story, and I want to especially thank all of those who have been following the story for the past two years. 

Now, I think I owe all of you a bit of explanation for my sudden disappearance and random updates. And I'll be completely honest, I just stopped updating because I lost motivation. I started this fanfic during quarantine. At that time, I was well within the mha and kny fandom, and so I was inspired to write this fanfic. I was really passionate about this fanfic. I had a whole story plan for it and everything. But as time went on, I got interested into different fandoms and slowly lost interest in mha and kny. And it get's pretty hard to keep writing when you have no motivation. It didn't take long for me to find another site (Ao3) and I basically ditched wattpad completely.

But every now and then, I'd check up on this fanfic to see how it's doing. Seeing how people were still reading and commenting on my story gave be just a little bit more motivation to complete it. While I knew I didn't have it in me to keep writing full chapters, I wouldn't be satisfied with simply ending it with an author's note saying the story is discontinued. Not when I still had my story plan, and especially because I knew how frustrating it felt to be reading a fanfic only for it to be discontinued.

And so, that's how I came up with "Rest of the Story". Even though they were only kinda summaries and mini chapters of what could've been their own fully detailed chapters, it was the best ending I could give you guys, and the best closure I could give myself. I finished the story, I gave it an ending that I am happy with, and I hope you guys are happy with it too.

Soo uhh, I guess I'll see some of y'all around when I come on every now and then. Thank you again to all of you reading. 

(I'm open to questions if any of you need some clearing up on anything that was a bit confusing in the story or just other general questions, but please don't expect an answer very quickly. And nowwww that is alll,,, 


-ImUniqueNotWeird <33

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