Chapter Four

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•Prince Jack's POV•
In less than an hour, I will find out who my Selected are...and from them, find my future wife. I've never been in love, so this is gonna be a bumpy ride.

"Ready, son?" My father, Adgar, asks me. I say yes, of course, but I'm terrified. So terrified. What if they don't like me? What if they don't like me...for me? God, I'm sweating. Mom gives me a reassuring smile as the cameras roll and we are live on national television.

"Good evening, Illèa! Tonight is the night! The night we find out the Selected! Any advice, my Queen, for the Selected?" She nods. "Old advice, but it's good: be who you truly are. Be yourself."

"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, here are the Selected, the daughters of Illèa! Cerise Davis of Kent, Three." Dark brown hair with blue eyes. Pretty.

"Monica Williamson of Wales, Two." As the names go on, I get more anxious.

"It's okay, Jackson." My mom says. I take a deep breath as the last name is called.

"Elsa Arendelle of Vega, Six."

Six. I would've looked at her picture, but I was afraid to look. She's a Six, anyway. Probably not very promising.

•Elsa's POV•

Today was the day. The day of the announcement of the Selected. In less than one hour, we will find out who they are...and if Anna won.

Toothiana has the popcorn to watch the previews before the Report. She claps happily.

"Oh, I can't wait! If it's not one of you, I will make you both go to the Courthouse and demand an answer." She jokes. I laugh. Anna smirks.

Suddenly, she says,"It's on!" and turns the volume up louder. It shows the royal family, then shows Prince Jack speak. I sigh, then stop myself. What am I doing? He's just a stuck-up prince looking for a bedmate.

I can practically feel Anna's gaze bore into the television behind me. Then Marcus Làmaater exclaims, "Good evening, Illèa! Tonight is the night we finally announce the Selected! Any advice, my Queen, for the Selected?" She smiles, a lovely smile.

"Old advice, but it's good: be yourself. Be who you truly are."

As Marcus announces the Selected, my mind begins to wonder. What if Leyna gets picked? What if Anna does get picked? How long will she stay? Then I hear the last name called.

"Elsa Arendelle of Vega, Six."

They-they picked..."Elsa! Oh my God!" Anna screams. As the realization kicks in, I have one thought run through my mind. I am a Selected.

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