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↷✦; C a p í t u l o 17 ❞


»I'm at the gym, why?

»Cell, tell me the truth.

»Do you like Roier?

Aquella pregunta sorprendió al híbrido.

»You take advantage of the fact that you have to pretend...

»To take his hand...

»And hug him.

Ele me descobriu? Tão rápido?

»Hey... it's so obvious...

»Stop talking nonsense!

»Nonsense? Will you deny it to the end? Do you have a head for decoration?

»Hey! Wilbur! You wanna fight?!

»Answer me first.

»The mvp bracelet... You gave it to someone you like, didn't you?

»That's... I...

El rubio cayó en cuenta de que no podía seguir negándolo.

»Ahem... "Wilbur... What's wrong with me? Everything I care about... I want to give to that person''

Imitó las palabras del brasileño dramáticamente llevando una mano a su corazón.

»Come on, let's fight!

»Cellbit —dijo tranquilamente— What saddens me is that you lie to me... And keep things from me.

»I don't hide...!

El cenizo soltó un suave suspiro y llegó a la conclusión de que no tenía caso intentar ocultarlo, su amigo ya lo sabía.

»I'm sorry. I was afraid you were disgusted by me too.

»Saturday... While we were having dinner, Aldo and Missa mentioned about the bracelet. As soon as I heard them, I knew.

»I asked Roier if he likes you... But he...

No terminó de hablar pues el rubio lo interrumpió.

»I know, Roier wasn't interested. We were at my house when you asked him. He turned me down to my face.

»So... What will you do now?

»I don't know man. It's hard, but I'm okay with it. I wanna be with him... But I don't want him to suffer for me, because he's the most important person in my life. I don't want him to suffer because of the world's criticism. I can protect him... But if nothing happens from the beginning, I have nothing to protect him from. So it's better... Not to start anything straight away. It's easier to think like that.

El británico soltó una pequeña risa.

»Fool. Your love is not disgusting, it's pure and beautiful. It will be difficult and complicated... But be strong for the one you love.


•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•

En la cancha deportiva de la escuela de artes se encontraba el equipo de básquet practicando, mientras que por un muro de esta intentaba subir un chico de cabellos azabache con una beanie tapando parte de estos. Antes de que pudiera pasar una de sus piernas hacia el otro lado del muro, la pelota de básquet cayó en su cara tumbándolo hacia atrás.

—¡Ay! —se quejó sobando su nariz.

—Are you okay? Sorry. —se disculpó el británico de cabellos ondulados, observando al chico en el suelo— Eh? You again? —le sonrió nerviosamente al chico que solo lo observaba molesto.


Started with a lie [Guapoduo]Where stories live. Discover now