Maiden Spelunker

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Quickly I straightened my upper body from the horizontal position when reality struck home.

'What!'...'Wait...' My soul and mind reacted one after the other, almost simultaneously. My heart was at it again-thumping. My neck pivoted in all the possible directions as I started wondering how I'd made it to this place.

At the same time, I wanted to see the old man whose voice I'd vividly heard amidst my transition back to actuality. The same reard I'd heard in the depth of my thoughts earlier on.

Who could this guy have been? Could he have been the one I'd perceived in the semi-dream I'd had outside this setting? The geezer with frail-looking tapering fingers and a fairly long white beard? The one whose wrinkled visage intensified with the look upon his smiley offer? If he'd turned out to be the one, in his pale-cream kanzu and the respect-commanding demeanour, perhaps, that would mean that I was in the same cave I'd imagined myself in!

A lot, of course, was striking my discovery timeline and thus many many thoughts ran left and right in my head.

'You wished, didn't you?'

'Of course I did, damn!'

'You like it?'

'Goodness me.'

'We got to find that old man. He can't just be in our head. We just heard his voice. This is no illusion whatsoever. This is not a dream, Roma. This, is the weirdest wish come true ever!'

'You know what, I need a fuck.'

'You got to be kidding me.'

'Of course I am. But I'll need it, for sure.'

'Are you getting horny in this situation?'

'What do you want me to do?'

'Indeed you'll need a fuck to celebrate this.'

'Fuck it, what do we do now?'

'Close your eyes.' This was a whisper within the depth of my brain to which I immediately and subtly trembled as if I'd all of a sudden caught a fever. I waited to hear that for the second time but that was it. It'd been designed to happen once, perhaps. So, I gave up on the fruitless patience.

'This is real.' My soul drawled.

'It got to be real. I'm not a fan of shit.' I mused and my brain quietly instructed my limbs to move. My hands had all along been touching the surface besides my small hips but since all my senses had been taken into observing the cave and finding another life within the space, I barely felt that I was in contact with a fairly thick cushion onto which I'd lay for a period I couldn't gauge. Perhaps, this was the old man's abode and I was on his bed. I don't know.

My legs moved, slowly making their way off the mattress that was covered with a dull-white thin cloth that was most probably knitted at its ends. I'd no covers on me and thus I pushed away none. My feet touched the floor with wary as the coldness of it registered into my knowledge. On briefly looking down, I saw various cut patterns-mostly triangular-like-of maroon, dark brown and orange marble stones stretching as far as the dim illumination could let me scan.

I stood, permanently getting off the bed or whatever it was.

'Are you seriously going to look for this guy?' My soul questioned. 'I think he's left you here to start up.'

"Hmm." My scoff was so quiet only for me to hear. 'Start up.' I scoffed again.

No response.

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