Resist to His limitless- Gojo

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Well if you say so... then
How will you do to conquer me to be charmed and be your love?
Because I tell you that I have this thick big difficult curse of heart that resist to any charm. Only true love could break this curse.
Do you think you can conquer the curse inside me and make me love you especially when don't even know the meaning of love and true love?
ㄟ( ▔∀▔ )ㄏ サァ
If you use your limitless I'll die and means you fail as someone who expert in cursing broker.
I told you it's curse that unable be broken even with your limitless power. Only the pure love can.
ㄟ( ▔∀▔ )ㄏ サァ I guess even the strongest sorcerer also has his limits even thou he has limitless power... ㄟ( ▔∀▔ )ㄏ サァ
Not everything must be known how to conquer it... because everyone and everything has their own limits.... ㄟ( ▔∀▔ )ㄏ サァ

GOJO's Reply:Well, well, well, it seems like you've got quite the challenge on your hands, don't you? Conquering your thick, big difficult curse of the heart

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GOJO's Reply:
Well, well, well, it seems like you've got quite the challenge on your hands, don't you? Conquering your thick, big difficult curse of the heart. I must say, I've never been one to back down from a challenge, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. But let me assure you, my friend, I don't need to know the meaning of love or true love to break your curse. Who needs love when you've got infinite power, am I right? (¬‿¬) Oh, and don't worry about my limitless power killing you. I'll make sure to keep that in check, just for you. After all, what's a curse-breaking sorcerer if he can't control his own powers, right? So, bring it on, dear cursed one. Let's see if my limitless power can handle your limitless resistance to charm. (•_•)

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