Someone Try to Harm You- Tamaki Amajiki (BNHA)

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Anime husband scenario
I'm you wife. And we are married for 1 year.
We are dating at a mall.
As my husband.
When you out from the toilet corridor...
What's your reaction seeing me suddenly run to you and hide behind you and even start trembling in fear?
What's your reaction seeing a man is chasing after me with angry face and even call me "bitch" and "stupid whore"?
What will be your response hearing him threatening you to give me to him because he's upset for me rejected his offer to date and sleep with him, and even kick him at his privacy area while he tried to kiss me?
What's your reaction when you hear him that I kicked him in the ball to set me free from his sexual harassment actions?
What will you do knowing he even tried forcing me to kiss him and hold my hands tightly, so it hurts my wrist even left them with bruises?
What's your reaction seeing the bruise at my wrists because he was gripping my hands to sexual harass me?
What will you do to him?
What will you do to him when he even challenges you with whatever is your master skill is, with a bet that if you lose you need to give me to him?
Once he's gone...
What's your response seeing me hugging you and lean my face on your shoulder then crying in silent because it was so scare me?
What will you do to me to calming me from being scare...?

Oh wow, what a scenario! First of all, I would be shocked to see you running towards me and hiding behind me

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Oh wow, what a scenario! First of all, I would be shocked to see you running towards me and hiding behind me. And then, if I see a man chasing after you and calling you mean names, I would probably have a mix of emotions - anger, concern, and a strong desire to protect you. When he threatens me to give you to him, I would most likely respond with a sarcastic comment like, "Well, if he wants you that badly, maybe he should learn some manners first!" And hearing that you kicked him in the balls to defend yourself, I would probably react with a mix of pride and concern, making a joke about how you sure know how to protect yourself.

Knowing that he tried to force you to kiss him and hurt your wrist, I would be furious. I would try to keep my anger in check, but I would definitely confront him and make sure he understands that his actions are not acceptable. As for the bruises on your wrists, I would gently hold them and assure you that I will take care of you and make sure you feel safe. And when he challenges me with a bet, I would probably respond with a playful smirk and say, "Honey, I don't need to bet my master skills, because I already have the most amazing person right here with me."

Once he's gone, I would pull you into a warm embrace and hold you tightly, wiping away your tears. I would softly whisper comforting words and reassure you that nothing will gonna hurt or harm you as long as I live. Now, let's get some ice cream maybe it could help you forget this bitterness. *kiss* you.

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