Husband Job Interview - Toji JJK

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I were a woman you really want to marry to.
How worthy are you to be my husband and have a family with me forever?
I dare you to woo and propose me, if you've got guts!
How determined you to be my husband?
Tell me your plan to get know me, date me, and make me take your proposal to marry you.
How will you treat me as your wife?
Show me what've you got!

 How will you treat me as your wife? Show me what've you got! ------

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Toji's replies:
Well, well, well, my dear (u/n). Let me start by saying, if you're looking for a husband who's fearless and authentic, congratulations, you've found the right guy. As for wooing and proposing, I've got a foolproof plan. Step one: I'll take you to a haunted house. If you can survive my dark humor without running away, you pass the test. Step two: we'll go on ridiculously random dates, like synchronized swimming with manatees or pillow fort building championships. Step three: I'll present you with a ring tied to the world's biggest slice of pizza (hey, we've gotta keep it interesting). And finally, as your husband, I'll treat you with the utmost honesty and bluntness, just like my dating approach. So, (u/n),  are you ready to embark on this wild ride with me?

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