Let me Swim and Save You From Any Harms-Sosuke Free!

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You and I were in boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
One day when you are doing swimming practice. I'm happening to come visit you, I'm watching you from a bench near the pool. But then there's one person who seems also going to do swimming practice, but appears to be one of your competitors, he challenged you a relay, and you win.
But he can't accept his lost, and now he's in so much rage. While he's looking for somethings to release his anger, he finds me sitting on a bench watching you. While waiting you I decided to walking around the pool, and then I cringed down to feel the water with my hand. While I'm enjoying the water. Suddenly I feel someone kick me into the pool, but unfortunately I can't swim because I had trauma of drowning, and I'm in the deep part of the pool and far from the edge. So I start panicking in traumatize and shouting for help but then I'm drowning.
What will be your reaction seeing your I as your girlfriend is drowning?
How do you help me wake up after I drowned and got some water in my lungs so then I unconscious?
What will you do to me once I wake up but then I feel traumatized and end up cry in fear... maybe I might end up with more phobia with big volume of water?
How do you feel seeing I'm bursting into cry because I'm scared to death for the second time?
what will you do to the man who intentionally kick me to the pool and adding a water phobia to your girlfriend, after you just help me conquered my fear to pool?

 maybe I might end up with more phobia with big volume of water? How do you feel seeing I'm bursting into cry because I'm scared to death for the second time? what will you do to the man who intentionally kick me to the pool and adding a water pho...

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Sosuke's replies:
Oh wow, that's quite a dramatic situation you've painted there! If I were in that situation, seeing you dear, my girlfriend drowning, my reaction would probably be a mixture of panic and determination. I would immediately jump into the water, swim as fast as I can to reach you, and perform CPR if necessary to help you wake up. Once you're conscious again, I would comfort you and assure you that you're safe now, even though it might not be the most comforting sight coming from a soaking wet person. As for the guy who kicked you into the pool, well, let's just say he better hope he has some good running shoes because I'll be chasing him down like a madman! I won't rest until he's properly dealt with for intentionally causing harm and adding to your fears. Let's just hope I don't accidentally kick him into a pool too, we wouldn't want to start a never-ending cycle of pool-related vengeance now, would we?

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