Everyone Needs a Little Help Sometimes

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A.N. In this story Jack is about 10 and Crutchie is six or seven. It's a back story to a part in Carrying the Banner when Jack ties Crutchie's shoes.

"Crutchie, hurry up the uda boys are already leavin'." Jack yelled up the stairs.

" 'M tryin' jus' havin' a lil trouble." Crutchie shouted back.

Jack headed back upstairs to check on Crutchie. Though he had only been at the lodging house for a few weeks he had already developed a close bond with Jack. It was partially due to how protective Jack is of him and partially the way the young boy idolized Jack.

"What's the problem kid?"

"Nudin' jus' 'avin' a lil trouble." He lifted his injured leg up so it crossed over his lap, as Crutchie started to tie his shoe his leg quickly started to slip and fall to the floor. Crutchie let out a sigh and went to start the process all over again.

"Let me help ya." Jack said while he kneeled down and tired Crutchie's shoe.

"Thanks Jack, but I can do it meself."

" 'M sure ya can bu' sometim's ya need a lil help ta get thin's done."

"Fine, bu' this'll be the only time ya'll 'ave ta do this."

"Yeah, yeah, come on Crutchie, if we don' 'urry up all the good spots 'll be taken."

"Ok, Jack" Crutchie said getting up, with the help of his crutch. "Jus' rememba Jack this'll be the las' time ya'll 'ave ta do this."

"Ok Crutchie." Jack said already heading down the stairs.

Seven years later Jack still ties Crutchie's shoes and every time Crutchie swears it will be the last.

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