I Don't Know What to Write

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A.N. Dedicated to Hikari903278. Well no one objected to not paying attention to history so here it goes.

"Ugh." Katherine groans as she crumples up her third piece of paper. She has been working on this article all day, and she still hasn't made any progress. As she is taking her break, trying to clear her head of rotten ideas, she hears a tapping at her window. She gets up, with a smile on her face, only one person would be tapping on her window.

"Hello Ace." Jack says as she opens the window. He was sporting his usual blue shirt, with rolled up sleve, grey pants, newsboy cap, and of course his ever present Jack Kelly smile that always made him seem like he had just gotten into trouble.

"Hello Jack." Katherine says trying to climb out her window as graceful as possible. Jack chuckles. "Don't you dare laugh Kelly, do you know how hard it is to climb out a window in skirts."

"Ya know, ya could always le' me come in."

"Yeah and risk my father stopping by." He did seem to always visit at least once a day, since her apartment was so close to the World and on the path he took everyday to and from work. "If he saw you in my apartment he would kill you."

"Ok, good point. So watcha been doin'?"

"I've been working on an article, but I don't know the right way to write it."

"What's it about?" Jack asks sitting down on the fire escape.

Katherine decided to follow his lead and she sat right next to him. "Bonnie and Clyde."

"I 'eard 'bout 'em. Wha's the problem?"

"Well, so far all they've done is rob a few stores, it's not enough to make a good article."

"Tha's why ya don' write 'bout the crime."

"What do you mean Jack?"

"Take it from me, I know wha' people wanna read 'bout. It's not a odd t'in' ta rob a bank or store down there, tha's why ya write 'bout the people. Jus' think 'bout it," he puts his arm around Katherine's shoulder. "two kids goin' through the south robbin' banks an' holdin' up stores. It's an adventure, an' a love story."

"Love story?" She says looking up at him in disbelief.

"Yeah, jus' picture it Bonnie meets this guy an' she don' know nudin' 'bout 'im, bu' she gets swept away, an' then she finds ou' 'e's a criminal. Bu' she's so in love she stays, an' even joins 'im in some jobs, tha's love."

"Jack, these are outlaws, not childhood sweethearts, heck Clyde broke out of prison for crying out loud."

"Yeah, bu' so did I an' ya still love me."

"Yeah, but that's different, you were in there for theft and-."

"An' he was arrested for theft. Hell, we's almost the same age even. Ace, the only difference is he's for a family an' I don'."

"Well yeah, but-."

"Bu' nudin' Ace. Tha's the thin' with reporters, ya don' think of 'em as people, which they is. A couple of kids jus' tryin' ta get a good life."

"You don't get a good life by stealing."

"Ya do when ya poor an' starvin' an' from the sounds a thin's tha's all tha's goin' down in the south."

"You really think that writing about it as a love story will help?"

"Yeah, it gots everyt'in' ya wan'. The love'll get the women, the men wan' an update, an' the kids love the adventure."

"You really think that will work Jack?"

"I guarantee it Ace."

"It better, my editor has been getting on to me about this article."

"It'll be 'mazin' Ace jus' think of it, Bonnie an' Clyde the couple tha'll neva be caught."

"Do you really think that Jack?"

"Well from the sounds a it they's good a' gettin' outa trouble."

"Can you imagine having to spend your whole life running though?"

Jack pulls her closer to him, "Yeah I can, an' I can imagine runnin' with ya." She smiles as he continues. "Jus' think 'bout how in the futcha people'll talk 'bout Bonnie an' Clyde an' 'ow they still ain't been caught."

"Yeah…but I still couldn't imagine a life like that, stealing for a living, worrying if the next day will be your last."

"Ya'll neva 'ave ta worry 'bout tha' 'cause I always got ya Ace."

"I should head inside and work on this article." Katherine says standing up.

"I could 'elp ya."

"No Jack, you've helped enough, and I'll meet you later, once I finish my rough draft." She says climbing back into her apartment.

Jack stays sitting a little while longer thinking about the notorious couple.

Katherine's editor ended up loving the article, and the twist she put on it, making it more about the people than the crime. Jack kept bragging about Bonnie and Clyde. He was even caught saying the couple would never get caught,on mmore than one occasion, that was, until the day the headlines read, 'BONNIE AND CLYDE: KILLED IN POLICE AMBUSH' and 'IT'S THE END OF THE LINE FOR BONNIE AND CLYDE'.

A.N. I hoped you guys like it. The next ones I'll be doing well involve children and Jack being a father.

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