The Refuge

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A.N. I'm back um if you want I have one Hamilton fanfiction published and another one on the way if you want to read them.

Jack paced on the worn down floor of the Refuge. He had to get out of this, the boys needed him. His thoughts of escape where interupted when the door to the cramped bunk-room flew open. Snyder stomped in and while most of the boys cowered in fear, Jack stood straight and tall. He had already been best enough in life that Snyder didn't scare him one bit.

"We're going to have a special guest visit our lovely Refuge." Jack had to hold back a laugh, this was a prison not a refuge. The lodging house was a refuge, it was a place where no one cared where he came from or what he had done. "I want you to act semi-decent human beings, or you will be disciplined."

"We will if you will Spider." Jack mumbled under his breath. Snyder turned to face Jack's direction. Jack kept standing with his usual swagger.

"Anymore comments like that and you'll be in solitary for the next month."

Jack took that comment to heart, regular living in the Refuge was horrible but solitary was worse; it was a small, dark, damp room room with only a small cot, at least you got your own bed though. The one drawback of solitary is that you barely got food, once every two weeks, though given the quality of the food here it wasn't much of a loss. The only bad thing wad that he couldn't protect the younger boys, who always seemed to fall prey to Snyder's anger. Jack just stared at Snyder trying to hold back all his comments. After a few minutes Snyder left and everyone relaxed.

Jack sat on the top of one the bunks and began his nightly ritual, thinking of way to get out. After a while he put his cap over his eyes and start to drift off.

The morning comes with Snyder throwing open the door and waking everyone up. All the boys stood at attention as the Spider patrolled the room.

"Remember what I told you boys, especially you Kelly." After he said that he tossed a bag of week old bread into the center of the room. The younger boys all lunged toward the bag, but Jack headed to the one barred window.

As he looked out the window Jack saw a shinny new carriage pull up. A man wearing a nice suit and dress shoes stepped out. Jack's eyes widened, he could buy all the boys a month's worth of food for the cost of one of those shoes. Snyder walked over to the man and joyfully shook hands.

The two headed inside and Jack heard a booming voice, "Where are these boys you're trying to reform."

"They're upstairs Mr. Governor."

Jack's breath hitched, the governor was here? Jack soon hears footsteps going up the stairs. All the boys scrambled to stand in front of their bunks as Snyder and the governor walked in.

Roosevelt smiled, "You're doing a very fine job here Mr. Snyder."

"Thank you Mr. Rossevelt."

The two left and continued to tour the Refuge, during that time Jack began to think about how he would put his plan into action. After thirty minutes the two men come back to the bunk-room.

Jack raises his hand. "Yes Mr. Kelly?" Jack could tell that Snyder was trying to control his temper.

"May I go to the kitchen to help clean before dinner."

Snyder's eyes flicked to Roosevelt and as he began to open his mouth Roosevelt said, "That'd be a great thing for you to do, don't you think so Mr. Snyder?"

"Yes, I think that would be a wonderful idea."

Jack tried to hold back a smug smile as he made his way downstairs. Instead of turning right to the kitchen, Jack took a left and sprinted to the front door. He dropped to the ground and rolled under the big carriage. He gets his andros and legs around the axles and waits.

After thirty minutes he hears the crunch of gravel and a deep voice, "You're doing a great job here Mr. Snyder." Jack rolls his eyes.

"Thank you sir."

Jack feels the carriage shift and he pulls himself off the ground. Soon the carriage begins to go, Jack waits till it goes a few blocks and stops to finally let go. He quickly rolls out from under the carriage to avoid getting crushed. He stands up and realizes that he's only a few blocks from the lodging house.

He walks home and as he throws open the door he says, "Did ya nitwits miss me?" He was hit with a chorus of "Jack's".

He hears a series of thumps that he knew signaled Crutchie coming down the staircase. Jack's smile dropped when he saw the bruises that covered the small boy's face and arms.

"Wha' 'appened ta ya Crutch ya look worse than me, bu' ya mug is still betta than Race's."

"Hey I kept this place running while youse was gone." Race said.

"Yeah, yeah, so wha' 'appened ta ya Crutch?"

"The Delancys worked me ova' a lil."

"Well that ain't gonna 'appen ever again, Ise promise ya. Ya ain't gonna get 'urt by the Delancys or anyone. I promise an' I ain't gonna go back ta the Refuge." He turned to the other boys, "An' neither is any of youse guys either."

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