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This is for @Anna629 , sorry for how bad this is. I am taking requests, but I really would prefer that you not ask me to write about OC's.

"Extra! Extra! Ya 'eard it 'ere! Blazin' inferno! Thousands flee!" Crutchie yells, trying to finish selling his papers. As he hawks a girl walks by and trips, on what he doesn't know. "Are ya ok?" He asks moving closer to her.

"Yes, thank you though." She says standing up.

"Welcome now could I care ta interest ya in taday's pape, Miss?"

"Call me Sabrina."

"Ok would ya like ta buy a pape Sabrina?"

"Sure." She hands him a penny in exchange for his paper.

The clock goes off show it's 4 o'clock. "I-I need to go." Sabrina says.

"Ok jus' be careful where ya goin'." Crutchie says as the girl starts to run off. Well at least she was nice, Crutchie thinks as he goes back the hawking the papers.

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