Dinner Date or Maybe Disaster

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A.N Tell me if you want long one shots like this or if you want me to break it into two parts or maybe three. I also want to say if you read one of these and it sounds a lot like one of your one-shot or story tell me and I will give you credit. I try not to copy but sometimes stories do stay in your head.

"Ya gotta be kiddin' me Ace?" Jack says with a look of shock on his face.

"Please Jack, it's just one dinner."

"It'll be me las' dinna, ya fadder's gonna kill me."

"No he won't and please Jack."

"What about the boys Ace?"

"I am sure Specs and Crutchie can handle everyone for a few hours."

"Yeah bu' -"

"But nothing Jack. Please just go to dinner, my mom wants to meet you."

"Ya'll 'ave ta tell 'er 'm busy."

"You do know that if you do not come tonight my mom will start to ask questions, which my dad will answer. That means that if you don't come tonight I will have two parents who hate you instead of just one."

Jack sits for a minute and runs his hand through his hair, "I'll go...if you give me a kiss."

"Mr. Kelly."

Jack smirks, "Please Ace." She smiles and kisses him. "Ya know I woulda said yes even if ya 'adn' kissed me." Katherine takes a paper from Jack's bag and hits his arm with it. "Ow, Ace, that 'urts." Jack says between laughs.

"Stop laughing Jack." Katherine says while smiling.

"Yes ma'am." Jack says with a cocky smile on his face.

"You are the most impossible boy ever."

Jack smiles, "Ya like it." He looks around Jacobi's and sees all the boys are gone. "Looks like it's time ta get back ta work."

"I should go back too, my editor have me a new article I need to have done by Friday."

"Do ya wan' me ta meet ya at The Sun?"

"I can meet you at the lodging house, I know it will make it easier for the boys." She didn't want to add and for you.

"Ok see ya at five Ace."

"Bye Jack."
"Crutchie did ya get everyone?"

"Yeah, ya?"

"Yeah. Everyone listen up!" All the boys turn their attention to Jack, who is standing on the first landing of the stairs. " 'M gonna go out with Ace ta nigh'." He waits a moment for the catcalling to stop. "Ya'll know the rules while 'm gone Crutchie an' Specs are in charge, their word is law. I should be back by ten, bu' if 'm not it's lights out at ten."

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