chapter 8

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I stay silent as she confessed that I was her first kiss, waiting until she fell asleep to mull over my thoughts, I was her first kiss.

She had her first kiss taken by me? A guy she obviously doesn't like, isn't that supposed to be like special or something?

A mere kiss didn't mean shit to me...

But, with her it did.


I'm woken up with the pillow barrier collapsed, and my body entangled with his.

I take a few moments to blink, my head obviously laying on his really warm chest...really warm chest...Oh my gosh he's still shirtless

The door is suddenly thrown open, and I'm met looking at two boys and two girls, Sebastian starts laughing as soon as he sees us.

I quickly roll off of Atlas, and get up. "Okay, I know what this looks like, but I swear we made a little barrier, he must've broken it."

With his eyes still closed, Atlas announces to them in a matter-of-fact tone, "She jumped me in the middle of the night and clung onto me like a monkey."

"Good heavens, when you put it like that I sound like a creep."

"That's wonderful, because you are."

The girl look alike to Atlas clears her throat, "As cute as this is, we have to get back. Like now."

Atlas groans, "Okay whatever Leilani, everyone get out so we can change."

I glance at Anya, and see her particularly close with Sebastian, she meets my eyes and she gives me a thumbs up with a cheeky smile.

The door closes and I attempt to throw a pillow at Atlas's head. "I did not get on top of you on purpose, I might've accidentally thought you were Sir Cat in my sleep."

He catches the pillow effortlessly and tosses it to the side, "Sir Cat?"

"My stuffed animal, I sleep with him every night."

He gives me an amused look, "That's quite concerning."

"My mom was allergic to cats, okay? I had to improvise."

He walks towards the walk-in closet to change into his uniform, but continues conversing with me. "Oh, you like cats? Did you see Oreo?"


He walks back out of the closet, putting on his tie, his hair still a disheveled mess. "Yeah, it's our cat. We take turns feeding her whenever we visit the house. She has her own little area in the room where nobody bothers her during events," He pauses for a thoughtful moment, "That's probably why you didn't see her."

Atlas goes downstairs for a moment, and comes back with the cutest black cat with yellow eyes. He invites me to hold her.

I squeal and take her from his arms, bouncing her like she's a baby. The cat looks at me with a very concerned look.

He chuckles as she leaps down from my arms and onto his desk, I frown and turn to look at him. That's when it registers...

"I don't have my uniform? Am I supposed to go to class in my pajamas...wait, these aren't even mine either."

With an eye roll, he pushes me into his closet, "I keep spares for Anya and Lei, for whenever they stay over."

He walks out the closet, closing the door behind him, and I quickly put on my uniform. I look into the mirror, seeing how different I look with it on. It was like looking at a prim and snobbier version of me.

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