chapter 1

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They represents 40% of the world.
Neither male nor female can get pregnant.
They are extremely good-looking.
They can get omegas pregnant.
They can get female betas pregnant.
Are on the top in society/ social class.
Good leadership skills.
Have to go through ruts every month.
They can knot omegas.
They are mostly dominant

They are normal humans.
Female can get pregnant, male can't.
Male betas can get omegas pregnant.
Don't go through ruts or heat.
Second to alphas
Represent 50% of the world

Represent 10% of the world
Can get pregnant whether male or female.
Go through heats every month.
When in heat, there bodies produce a slick like substance from their private part.
Some males have female parts.
Are extremely good-looking.
Are extremely desired.
They are protected by the government.
They are mostly submissive
Are good nature people
Have motherly instincts
Some are gentle

Soul mates-
They are the person/people who are connected to you by the red string of fate.
You are born with your soul mate/s name on any part of your body.
Everyone has a soul mate.
Some people can be born with more than one soulmate but it's not common.

Fun facts-
Poly relationships are common.
It isn't unusual for omegas, whether female or male, to wear feminine clothing.

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