chapter 8

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The moment they entered the living room they saw 10 people waiting for them. "Hello thank you for having us." They all bowed, even Vin surprisingly. "So your my daniels mates. I'm Dylan Park. Nice to meet you. A boy with black hair and wearing a hoodie with jeans said.

"Like wise

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"Like wise." Eli, gun, and Goo said. They were trying to make a good first impression. "I'm Diego Kang Park. Daniel's older brother."

Dg said

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Dg said. Eli, Jay, and Vin were shocked to know that the top idol, dg, was Daniel's brother. On the other hand, dg had a agitated Aura around him. He was still really annoyed that his baby brother was dating. The rest of the family could see that dg was pretty frustrated right now. (They know why he uses a fake name.) "Hello I'm Maya Park. Ceo of rsh company and mother of daniel and Diego. It's great to meet some of my future son-in-laws as well as my granddaughter." A woman with short black hair, wearing a white long sleeve shirt said.

"I can see where daniel got his Beauty from

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"I can see where daniel got his Beauty from." Gun said. "Oh please. Thank you for the compliment though I appreciate it." Maya said with a smile on here face. "I'm Anne Park, aunt of Daniel and mother of David. This is my husband, sung Park. It nice to finally meet you. "


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"When I first heard that one of Daniel's mates had a kid, I was pretty shocked

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"When I first heard that one of Daniel's mates had a kid, I was pretty shocked. Now that I'm looking at her she is pretty cute, I'd be more that happy to accept her into the family. Oh I'm Sarah Park by the way. Cousin of daniel and sister of Dylan. It's good to meet you." She said with a smile.

"I'm joy Park, aunt of Daniel and mother of Dylan and Sarah

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"I'm joy Park, aunt of Daniel and mother of Dylan and Sarah. This is my husband, Andrew Park. Good to see you." The woman said.

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"I'm David Park, cousin of Daniel Park

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"I'm David Park, cousin of Daniel Park. It nice you meet you all and I hope you treat daniel well."

"Hello dears

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"Hello dears. My name is Kim Park. I'm the mother of sung, Andrew, and Daniel's late father, Jun. I'm also the grandmother of daniel, Dylan, Sarah, and David. It's good to finally meet you."

It was finally the end of the day

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It was finally the end of the day. All Daniel's family had accepted all of Daniel's mates (dg didnt like it but he wants to respect Daniel choice) as well as Yenna. Everyone was leaving.

"Good bye daniel" "good bye Danny." "......" "Good bye." "Goodbye mommy." Everyone said. 'Good bye guys." Daniel replied.

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