chapter 3

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It was now lunch time and Daniel, Jay, and Zoe were in the cafeteria, sitting together, when Daniel saw a small boy being bullied by Zack's boys. "Hey Zoe, do you know who that is?" Asked Daniel as he pointed to the boy. "Oh, that's jiho Park, he's also in the fashion department and is always bullied by Zack's underlings. "He is now?....Zoe, Jay, do you think I can invite him to our table?" Jay nodded his head. "Sure I don't mind" "thanks,.... hey jiho, come sit with us" Daniel said.

'How did I get into this situation!' The beta scream inside his head. Currently he was in the 'cool kids table' with Daniel Park, the extremely good looking Omega, Zoe Park, the fun to hang out with beta, and Jay Hong, the rich and handsome alpha. He was the abnormal one there and a lot of people, mostly alphas, were glaring at him.

"The burn Knuckles are here" "Yeah and there's Vasco," Whispers started to fill the cafeteria to the cafeteria as the burn Knuckles entered. "Jace do you smell that?" Vasco asked, "yeah", the beat replied to the alpha, "I remember this smell,'s Daniel!" Vasco started to look around until he found who he was looking for. "Daniel!" Vasco said as he went to Daniel's table. "Vasco, Jace!" Daniel got up and hugged Vasco and Jace, they hugged back. "You guys go on ahead we'll catch up." Jace told the others, the rest of the gang left. "I didn't know you knew the leader and vice leader of burn Knuckles, Daniel." Zoe said, looking at him in awe. "We're childhood friends." Daniel smiled, "so there's no reason to be jealous Jay." Daniel said to the alpha beside him.

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