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"So, who was the girl that bumped into me?" You ask rubbing your head.
"Oh, you're the new kid, huh?" Charlie asked.
"Yes. But you didn't answer my question, Charlie." You say annoyed.
"Oh, sorry. Well, she's Ania." Charlie pointed out.

(No offense to anyone named Ania reading this story)

Charlie reaches out his hand again to help you off the ground. You grab his hand, but as you do, your heart skips a beat, and you start blushing. "Crap. Am I falling for him?" You ask yourself.

"Are you okay, Y/N? Do you need something? Your face looks red. Do you need a drink?" He asked with a worried look. You had thought it was cute. The way that he asks if you were okay and checks up on you.
"Yeah. I'm fine." You say lying to Charlie.

You weren't fine. It's your first day at a new school. You moved in yesterday, and you may be crushing over a boy you just met.

"I'm just a bit hot. The heat here in Arizona is kinda intense, huh?" You say to Charlie while fanning yourself with your hand.
"Well.. yeah, it is hot. But I'm kinda used to it. I've lived here my whole life and dealt with it." Charlie chuckles.
"Ppht. Showoff." You say nudging Charlie.

"Hey, do you want to meet my other friend? His name is Marshall, and we've been best friends for like... two years now." Charlie suggests.
"Sure. But what do you mean by other?" You ask Charlie.
"Well.. if it's okay with you. I was wondering if you wanted to be friends. You seem like a cool person!" Charlie bursts out with excitement.
"Uhhh.. yeah, sure, we can be friends." You say.

"He just wants to be friends for now. Don't get too ahead of yourself. You just met." You whisper under your breath.
"What was that?" Charlie asked.
"NOTHING!" You say loudly.

"Crap. That was a little too loud, even for my liking." You think to yourself.

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