Chapter 3 - Starting A New

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Posing to be someone else is hard... especially when you don't answer to your fake name.






"Huh?" Finally answering Rebecca I look up to see us that we had arrived at the door to our new room. I had to have been right about the rooms being very large because there is no way they were going to fit this many girls in one room. Rebecca opened the door and my jaw drops for the second time today.

OH MY GOD... this room IS HUGE!!!

I thought to myself as I walk further into it. Though I was sharing it with all the other women, it didn't make it look any less big. There were 14 beds in the room... I guess someone is going to have to sleep on the floor. Walking even further into the room, there were two bathrooms on each side with two showers in each one, and all the items someone would need to be clean and live. The room did not have a lot of space due to the beds but if you were to take them out it would look like a king's chamber. The room was a perfect square with maroon-colored walls, floor, and ceiling.

"This rooms a little disorienting." Some of the girls nod their heads, agreeing with Rita's statement.

"Well, you're gonna have to get used to it, this is your room now. Do as you please but make sure to keep it neat and tidy. We want to make sure the maids know how to keep their own shit together." With that Rebecca left the room. She is right though, if maids didn't know how to keep themselves clean, I would be scared. The awkward silence in the room was getting the best of me, and fast. I walked into the bathroom to escape the stuffiness filling the air and get a better look at the place. There was a toilet, some mirrors, and several sinks in this bathroom, it was probably the same for the other as well. I walk out of the bathroom after a few minutes, glad to hear the others talking about and the tension in the room gone.

"Soooo, what do we do now?" One of the girls asks.

"I don't know, didn't Rebecca say that we would get a list of some sort?" another girl chimes in.

"I don't know but I'm going to bed" The girl, Salem, said while walking to a random bed in the corner.

"Me too, I'm exhausted" One by one the girls chose their beds and began to get comfortable. I chose a bed in the far corner of the room, being antisocial as much as possible. I don't want to get attached incase I'm able to escape and find a way back to Earth. I try to think of anything that could have happened to me and what could have caused me to be in this situation in the first place. I try to recall but I only get a migraine. I lay down and decide I'm still too weak, regaining my energy is my top priority at the moment. As I lay in the bed my eyes begin to droop. By the time I knew it I was fast asleep.


Awaken Blue soul... They are coming.

~Time Skip Morning~

Waking up is not something I enjoy doing because I'm not an early bird... and there are two ways to piss me off in a heartbeat.

1. Waking me up at 3 in the morning yelling and screaming in my ear to get up.

2. Waking me up without presenting me some coffee.

And this bitch did both.

"WAKE UP LADIES, IT'S TIME FOR YOUR FIRST DAAAYYY, I do hope you all had a wonderful sleep!" Rebecca bursts through the door with no warning while having a song in her voice. Some of the heavy sleepers were still in bed while people like me were on high alert.

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