authors note ☆

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Hi guys...its been a while.

I haven't posted any chapters for KEEP RUNNING in a very long time. I apologize for that, but the reason is because I've decided to put the book on hold for now.

It's not done or is not discontinuing. I'm just putting it down for a bit. I will.finsih it another time, but later on this year maybe.

Thank you for the support of the book, I really do appreciate it and am glad you're enjoying it.

For the time being I will publish another book, which is called ALWAYS GONNA BE YOU. It's a highschool, sports, new girl romance.

So I hope you enjoy it for the time being.

Sorry for the sad news and disspaintmet but I'll amke it up it you, promise.

I love you all, bye for.the time being of this book...

- daisiewritess

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