74| "I swear you two alone isn't a good idea"

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It's been a few weeks now since I found out I was pregnant. The initial excitement and surprise have settled into a warm anticipation as I embrace the feeling of this new life growing within me. Ace has been by my side every step of the way, his unwavering support and love comforting me through the changes and uncertainties of pregnancy.

We've attended numerous appointments together, each one bringing us closer to our little boy.

The ultrasound revealed that we were indeed expecting a son, and the image of his tiny form on the screen filled us with overwhelming joy and wonder.

Although pregnancy comes with its challenges and discomfort, I find solace in the knowledge that this journey is bringing us closer as a family. Ace's excitement and enthusiasm for our baby's arrival are infectious, and it reassures me that we are ready for whatever lies ahead.

As my belly grows and I feel the gentle kicks and movements of our son, I can't help but feel a deep connection to him. Each flutter reminds me of the miracle of life and the incredible bond we share already.

I look forward to the days ahead, imagining the joy of holding our baby boy in our arms, watching him grow and experience the world.


As we headed into Naomi's office building, hand in hand, the sense of closeness was undeniable. Making our way to the top floor where her office was situated, the elevator ride offered a moment of intimacy. We locked eyes, and I leaned in, placing my hand on the wall above her head, drawing her close. My other hand found its way to rest gently on her waist.

Lost in the moment, we shared a kiss just as the elevator doors began to open. To our surprise, Aubrey stood on the other side, catching us in the act.

"I swear you two alone isn't a good idea," Aubrey quipped with a playful tone.

Naomi bit down on her lip, smiling, and I couldn't help but grin in response.

"Hey, Ace," Aubrey greeted.

"Aubrey," I replied with a nod.

"If you don't mind, I need to steal her from you," Aubrey said, swiftly taking Naomi's arm before I could respond. I followed behind, hands in my pockets.


Ace left to attend a call, leaving Aubrey and me to stroll down the hallway. As we passed by a glass window, Aubrey abruptly paused, her gaze fixed on a lightskinned guy standing inside.

"Who is that?" she asked, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"Jax," I replied, recognizing Aubrey's subtle interest in him.

"You're drooling." I teased.

Aubrey turned to me, her expression feigning innocence. "I am not drooling," she protested, though her lingering gaze betrayed her.

I chuckled as she grabbed my hand, pulling me along with her. It was always entertaining to see Aubrey react this way to someone new

As Aubrey and I settled into my office, her thoughts seemed preoccupied with the guy she had spotted in the hallway. I couldn't help but chuckle at her fascination.

"Agh, he's actually so pretty," Aubrey remarked, clearly smitten.

I smiled knowingly at her. "I can tell that's what you think."

"And how could you tell?" Aubrey asked, intrigued.

"You were looking at him like... I don't even know because that look I saw was a look I've never seen on you before," I replied with a playful grin.

"Really?" Aubrey's curiosity was piqued.

I nodded. "You should go talk to him."

"Me? Talk to a guy? Yeah, I don't know about that," Aubrey replied hesitantly.

"Aubrey, come on. This could be your chance at finding love after you've been denying it for so long," I encouraged.

Aubrey's expression softened, and she considered my words. "You think so?"

"I do. Who knows? It could be the start of something amazing," I replied, offering her an encouraging smile.

Aubrey let out a sigh, clearly torn between curiosity and hesitation. After a moment of contemplation, she straightened her posture and nodded. "Okay, you're right. I'll go talk to him."

"That's the spirit!" I said with a grin.


Jax joined us at the cafe, and I seized the opportunity to introduce him to Aubrey.

"Hello, Jax," I said, shooting Aubrey a mischievous smile.

"Hello Naomi," Jax responded with a friendly demeanor.

"How's everything going?" I inquired.

"It's going really well. Thank you," Jax replied.

"I'd like you to meet Aubrey," I said, turning to Aubrey with a knowing look.

Aubrey's eyes widened in disbelief as she realized my intention. Jax leaned casually against the cafe counter, grinning in response.

"I've seen her around. Nice to officially meet you, Aubrey," Jax said, acknowledging her presence.

Turning to Aubrey with a raised eyebrow and a playful grin, I excused myself with a smirk. "I need to quickly go to someone. I'll leave you two together."

Leaving Aubrey and Jax to get acquainted, I made my way over to where Ace sat at a nearby table, engrossed in his phone.

I glanced over at Ace, who had been observing the scene with amusement. "What did you do?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

"Well, I set up Aubrey with Jax," I replied with a grin. "She seems to like him. She said she would talk to him, but knowing her, she wasn't going to, so I just pushed her out there."

As I observed from a nearby table, I couldn't contain my amusement as Aubrey and Jax engaged in conversation. Aubrey had a distinct glow about her, a light in her eyes that I hadn't seen often when it came to romantic interests. It was refreshing to witness her opening up and genuinely enjoying herself.

They talked and laughed, their interaction filled with genuine interest and shared laughter. Aubrey's usual guarded demeanor seemed to soften in Jax's presence, and it was clear that they were hitting it off.

Ace chuckled. "Looks like it's working."

I turned my attention back to Aubrey and Jax, unable to suppress my smile. It was heartwarming to see my friend stepping out of her comfort zone and connecting with someone new. The evening felt full of possibilities, and I couldn't help but feel excited for whatever might come next for Aubrey.

I spent the rest of my break with Ace while Aubrey enjoyed her time with Jax.

When Aubrey returned, she was all smiles, and I couldn't help but give her a knowing look.

She took a seat at our table, bubbling with excitement. "Agh, he's so... I don't even know... perfect," she exclaimed.

"Is that so?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, Naomi. He is. He's funny and thoughtful, and we have so much in common," Aubrey gushed. "Talking to him feels so easy, like I've known him for ages."

I smiled, genuinely happy for Aubrey. "Sounds like you've found someone special," I remarked.

"I think so," Aubrey replied with a dreamy expression.

Ace chimed in, intrigued by the conversation. "Seems like you two hit it off," he observed.

Aubrey nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely. I can't wait to see where this goes."

I exchanged a knowing glance with Ace, silently acknowledging Aubrey's newfound happiness. As we continued our conversation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment for my friend, knowing that she might have found someone who truly made her happy.

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